Live Update

Live Update 4.0.1

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To change the update interval go into the ACP and either type "Live Update" into search or navigate to Options > Live Updates Options. Change the "Live Update Interval" option to your desired update interval (in seconds).

At the moment you can do it using a simple conditional.

Modify the liveupdate_page_container template.

This line is at the top:
<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} AND {$visitor.liveupdate_display_option}">

Change it to:
Rich (BB code):
<xen:if is="{xen:helper ismemberof, $visitor, 3, 4, 5} AND {$visitor.liveupdate_display_option}">

(Where 3, 4, 5 is a comma separated list of user groups who should be able to use it).

I may add proper user group permissions in the future.
What happens if you have multiple tabs open. Does it update all of them? Does that mean there are multiple calls to the server?
Can this be enabled by usergroup. It would make a nice subscriber perk. Also is it possible to change how often it polls the server? What is the default? I have about 80 members online with a activity timeout of 15min. I hope it doesn't kill the server.

I have implemented LiveUpdate on a server with very constrained resources (in the process of changing server supplier) and actually noticed a reduced load on the server. Earlier the more frequent users refreshed the page to see if there was new entries, now they do that more seldom which helps with the load. So +A from a load perspective to this addon.
No idea.

I assume that TaigaChat does some sort of similar modification of the tab title, hence it will just never work.

I would expect the favicon type alert to work, though.
No idea.

I assume that TaigaChat does some sort of similar modification of the tab title, hence it will just never work.

I would expect the favicon type alert to work, though.

But it does work with Font Awesome 4.0 theme, the issue only happens with UI.X Framework, and yes the favicon does work in all Templates i've tried.
@Chris D, I've recently been getting this in my Chrome Development screen (after noticing the red flag is not working) recently. I haven't installed any new add-ons recently that I haven't already been using.
The option to use the tab title works.. but the tab icon does not (that is where this error shows up).

Screen Shot 2014-12-29 at 4.49.19 AM.webp

I'm about to start disabling add-ons one at a time to see if one of them may be it. Will update the post if it turns out it is.
OK... I've narrowed it down to something to do with PixelExits's modified Apex Light style I have running. I'll now start messing with the different options to see if it is one of them. Maybe @Steve F could chime in and give a hint. :p
The default setup of Apex Light works, so it's something that I have changed from the default.


Leave it to FaceBook provided code to be causing the problem. Had some installed in the page_container_js_head that they recommended.. and that was the culprit. So it's back to working now.
The only thing would be in case you have it disabled in your visitor Preferences

o_O I don't see that preferences in my preferences panel o_O
Some template mod don't applied correctly? I'll take a look there... :sneaky:
@Chris D

I have set this add-on to update every 7 seconds.

Now, I'm not sure if this happened before, but I just noticed that whenever writing a new thread (in the "full editor", i.e. which you can access by clicking "More Options..."), Firefox (not sure about other browsers) loads index.php?liveupdate every 7 seconds.

Nothing wrong there, right?

No, but for some reason the Ajax Loading Indicator also flashes every 7 seconds at the top right, and network monitoring tells me it's the index.php?liveupdate that is being loaded.

Screen Shot 2015-01-20 at 22.32.26.webp

That's kind of annoying.

Can I somehow disable the ajax loading icon in the More Options... view when creating a new thread?

Thanks for a great add-on.
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