Keyword Management (Keyword Replace) [Deleted]

@au lait - the add-on seems happy to accept the same word twice with different link URLs - what happens in this situation? Is the word linked twice as much on the page or does one link get added and the other not added?

I only ask because I expected to get a duplcate warning.

Shaun :D
Edit kwm.css

.KWMLlink {
background-position: center right!important;
background-repeat: no-repeat!important;
background-image: url(phc/keywordmanagement/link.png)!important;
padding-right: 16px!important;
margin-right: 5px!important;
How would I use a Font Awesome icon in place of the arrow?
Try it for yourself: Create a thread with six or seven instances of the same word that is to be linked. Set max. 3 links per page and then format the first two words that appear in the thread. You'll notice that when you refresh the page only 1 link has been applied - not 3!! That's because it is counting the first two formatted words even though they are not being linked. (y) It should ignore formatted words in the count!!
@au lait - can you confirm this is a bug in the count? I'm missing out on potential revenue because formatted words are being counted off the link total for the page even though they are not linked.

Shaun :D
Hmmm ... it seems I'm mistaken. I cannot reproduce this on @au lait's site so maybe it was an error in the way I'd set-up the links / settings when testing it. I was convinced it was counting formatted words, but it seems not. Sorry about that. :oops:

Shaun :D
Hallo @CyclingTribe

All the best! Thats why I'm here! And dear once asked too much - or too little!
Better once too many questions than not enough!
Support belongs naturally to it;)!
Should still be something, write me!
Thanks @au lait - I've tried it again with v1.10 on my forums and cannot replicate the behaviour so perhaps when I first tried it, it was an earlier version.

Anyway - it's all good and the extra links from your add-on have helped me earn additional clicks/commissions so it has paid for itself already in the first week. (y)

Shaun :D
Edit kwm.css

.KWMLlink {
background-position: center right!important;
background-repeat: no-repeat!important;
background-image: url(phc/keywordmanagement/link.png)!important;
padding-right: 16px!important;
margin-right: 5px!important;
Possible to use a Font Awesome icon in place of the arrow?
Possible to use a Font Awesome icon in place of the arrow?
Yes, assuming you're already loading Font Awesome, replace the whole of the existing .KWMLlink definition
.KWMLlink {
    background-position: center right!important;
    background-repeat: no-repeat!important;
    background-image: url(styles/phc/keywordmanagement/link.png)!important;
    padding-right: 16px!important;
    margin-right: 5px!important;
.KWMLlink:after {
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    content: "\f08e";
    padding-left: 3px;

@au lait is it possible to get rid of the KWMLlink class altogether as an option? I.e. get rid of the external link icon?
Here it's very quiet!
everything is fine with the add-on?
Are there any requests or Ppobleme?

I have an issue with the add-on not honouring the case of the original posted word or phrase.

As an example - if I set-up a keyword replacement for "evans cycles" ( and set it to ignore case, it will replace - Evans cycles - Evans Cycles - evans cycles - eVans cYcles - EVANS cycles - EvAns CyCles - etc. but it will not keep the case/format of the original post:
Yes, I'm very happy with it. I bought it at Evans Cycles.
... ends up looking like this after the keyword replacement link:
Yes, I'm very happy with it. I bought it at evans cycles.
I'd prefer it if the add-on keyword/phrase text was not used in the link, and instead the original post text was used.

If other people would prefer it to work as it does now, perhaps an option "Keep original text" could be added to give us a choice of what text should be used for the link.

Shaun :D

PS. Because of this I have had to set all of my keywords to case sensitive and then add a number of variations to the link to ensure the case of the link text matches what was originally posted. ;)
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the "+ Add / Rebuild KWM Cache / Import Export / Replace words with links" should be placed at the bottom of the page (too). Having a long list, after adding each keyword, the admin has to use the Home/PgUp button, to reach the top of the page, in case he wants to add a new keyword.
Hello , I bought and installed your addon. Seemingly without error.


However I do not see how to manage keywords. Am I doing something wrong ?


I am running xenforo 1.5.5
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