Invite all of you to try out new addon: XenGallery

I have just now really checked out and I have to say it is quite addictive.
Although I am a bit surprised they do not have any comments nor a Forum. :eek:
So it seems there is no communication at all... or maybe I just did not see it ?

Anyway, I think having the features "Re-Post" and "Following" similar as would be great.
Not sure yet of how to properly integrate the Forum itself (in case a webmaster does not want to use "Comments", but the Forum itself).


being able to "re-post" an image from another persons Gallery into one of my own Galleries.
(same feature as when you click on "heart it")

immediately see all the photos of the members you are "following".



Having these two suggestions implemented would be fantastic!

- Re-Post would be something like Pinterest's re-pin, or twitter's re-tweet? It'll make the gallery very powerful. I'd like to see, at least, admins can be given an OPTION to enable the functionality of "Re-Post". And it would be even better, if it also allows a member to send a picture's link to another member or several members ; and if the recipient(s) like the picture, he/she could Re-Post the picture into one of his/her own albums. The source of a picture needs to have a place to specify when users uploading the pictures. In the case photos are created by the uploader, allow members to specify whether the photo can be Re-Posted or not, etc.......

- Clicking on one picture of a following member's particular album brings you to see the expanded version of the picture and a list of thumbnails of all the pictures in that album, would be great......
But repost will also make the pics duplicate. If the image is reposted multiple times then it will show up multiple times. Isn't it?
Pinterest is not a photo gallery and Photo Gallery would not allow repost, they only allow "share" (as FB does).
We use "streams" instead of "tags". We already has photo tag (tag people).

for "Forums" which are generally "interest based" (Interest Graph) rather than "friends based" (Social Graph), I think it makes more sense to tag photos based on "keywords" rather than "people" seen in the photo.

for "Forums" which are "interest based" (Interest Graph) rather than "friends based" (Social Graph), I think it makes more sense to tag photos based on "keywords" rather than "people" seen in the photo.

Seem that you are misunderstanding. We have both. Photo/Album Tagging are called Tag. Photo/Album keyword tagging are called Streams.
Seem that you are misunderstanding. We have both. Photo/Album Tagging are called Tag. Photo/Album keyword tagging are called Streams.

then I would probably suggest to show the "keyword tags" not only at a separate "Streams Cloud"-page, but also directly shown for each image.
The "Streams Cloud"-page is fine, but additionally it should show the "keyword tags" for each image located near the image itself.


Pinterest is not a photo gallery and Photo Gallery would not allow repost, they only allow "share" (as FB does).

yeah, but it is easier to "build a community" when users are also able to "share" (re-post) the photos on your own website, besides "sharing" towards external websites like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Anyway, both features are fine and required.

You already have the "share" to Facebook and other social media sites, which you can use to pull users from Facebook towards your Forum.
The other required feature is to "share internally" within your own website (Forum), so that users can share (re-post) photos with each other directly at your Forum (Gallery).

These 2 share features are actually 2 different things which fulfill 2 different purposes:
- share externally towards Facebook, Twitter, etc. / purpose: pull users to your website
- share (re-post of photos) internally at your own website / purpose: build your own photo community

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ahh, o.k. (y)

Sorry, I did not see it.
Probably it needs to be made a bit more "visible".... or I need to go and buy new glasses :cool:

Maybe this would help:

View attachment 50158

It would be more "visible" on hover. For the sample screenshot you have attached, you would have no spaces to display if view/like/comment reach higher numbers.
It would be more "visible" on hover. For the sample screenshot you have attached, you would have no spaces to display if view/like/comment reach higher numbers.

yeah, hover and then being able to click the icons would be great.
Same as at weheartit where it displays the stuff underneath the icons when you click on it.....

Pinterest is not a photo gallery and Photo Gallery would not allow repost, they only allow "share" (as FB does).

Re-Post is closely related to "Share", only, it will enable you to share more. It will make your users spend more time on your site, as it gives members more method to SHARE ON YOUR SITE. It basically enables members to create their own photo collections(non-personal types: nature, sports, home decor, food etc.), this is in addition to self-created photos members made viewable to public, and it makes members viewing their favorite photos created by others more convenient and also in a more systematic way - as you can personally categorize your collections by creating your own (bookmarking) albums for those photos, or you can put those collected photos into your existing albums based on categories.

FB allows you to share your photos on your own timeline, or your friends' timeline. But XF does not have a friends feature yet. Thanks to FB who made 'friends' so infamous on social media, now, even a simple friends function is so extremely hard to get support in XF. So it does not make much sense to share on your XF site except making the photos publicly viewable to everyone.

Ideally, if a simple "friends function" gets implemented into XF core, then any photo gallery add-on(@sonnb's and @Chris Deeming's) could easily make sharing PERSONAL photos with friends possible, sharing private photos would start to make sense then.

As for those NON-PERSONAL photos, Re-Post would have a big role to play - to make people stay on your site and share among fellow members, not just linking the code to other sites. Once "Re-Post" gets implemented in photo gallery add-ons, it will enable those NON-PERSONAL types of photos go viral! - as everyone on your site can create their own collections, it's like every amateur photographer will, potentially, have a fan base(those who collect his/her photos), and those whose photos got Re-Posted could potentially feel much more appreciated for their own photo creation - be it professional, or amateur, it could also most likely , automatically, help encourage more members to post QUALITY photos on your XF site.

In short, "Re-Post" more precisely means: "Collect" and potentially "Promote".
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Hey sonnb,

you didn't tell us that you have tweaked the RM as well ;)

Looking great (y)

Any plans for a very similar Addon like your XenGallery, but being used at the RM ?
So literally a combination of your "XenGallery" + "XF Resource Manager".

I have explained it here:


would be cool to have images atop the XF-RM..... with the great design you have made for each image and the Masonry-style-layout with endless scrolling.
Literally keeping the RM as it is per default, just laying images atop for each Resource.

Maybe that's an idea for another Addon from you ? :)

For me, that would be the most perfect thing.
Having the default XF-RM with images for each "Resource" and the default RM-feature which automatically creates a Forum-thread (Discussion-Tab) for each "Resource".
It is just to make the RM looking more attractive with nice styled image-tiles in endless scrolling Masonry-format.

The ability to "re-post" a RM-Resource would be the killer feature.....



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