how to get the link of a specific post


Well-known member
I am not very experienced with the use of forums, so my following question:

when you are on a certain thread.
how to get the PermaLink URL of a specific post ?

Many thanks,
Yes, they're permalinks. Also, the date is a permalink as well. Not every date in the system is a permalink, but this is a concept that occurs quite often in XF.
BTW: all you guys have replied to this thread (my thread), but I did not receive any Alert regarding your replies.
Would be great to receive alerts if somebody replies to my own thread.

I was actually thinking: why the heck are all these guys ignoring my questions... ? ;)

Sorry, I know this is off-topic and I think I saw a thread about this issue. But I could not find that thread.
Wouldn't it be nice if all text links were blue in color? That way we don't have to hunt around looking for links.
Report, like and reply wouldn't stand out as much then.
Also, permalinks/member profile links are all the same color, and are generally considered lesser importance to action links.
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