How Much Do You Charge For Creating A Site?

Looks like she wants a basic webpage that has information on the business. I might go with wordpress.

No screw that I'll try to convince her to get Xenforo.
Looks like she wants a basic webpage that has information on the business. I might go with wordpress.

No screw that I'll try to convince her to get Xenforo.

Wordpress is awesome for sites like that. I wish you luck!
Depends. My daughter does this as a side business. She works with a client to develop their logo and brand, color schemes, designs and codes the website, sets up all the social media links/tie-ins, develops their marketing plan, sets up Google Adsense and Analytics, trains their staff in how to manage and interpret both, helps them develop unique content and works with them into increase their page rank and search engine results. As the site gets established, monitor bounce rates, tweak the SEO, establish marketing campaigns to drive traffic.

She charges $2000. Its about 30 days of setup and then another 5 months of support.
When I was doing web design I used to charge around £500 ($770) for a 5-page site; it started out much lower but I found out, through experience, that clients liked to come back time and again to tweak this and that before they'd sign-off on the finished site, so you'd design it fairly quickly but in extreme cases end up going back to the drawing board because the client didn't like it. All of that took extra time and you had to account for that in the price.

If you can get down to specifics right at the very beginning and really define what the client wants at the start it'll make it easier to control and calculate. (y)

I was never a top-drawer designer, but I did make sure the sites looked good and were easy to use - more practical than flashy. (y)
Ironically im rather embarassed about my own showcase site, I scrapped the old one a few months back and started re-working it, but have since been caught up in loads of work so its half-finished.
My goodness, prices have come down! I guess there are many people in it these days and many more tools that make it easier.

DRE, don't undersell yourself - your knowledge has a lot of value. Heck, the guy who sweeps the chimney makes $50 an hour or more. You should too.

A lot depends on the client. If they have money (a business) and are going to use the site to make money, they can afford to pay for the extra value you can give them (honesty, knowledge, response, etc.).

If it's just another site - well, then it's harder to get your real value.
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