Active member
Hello all,
Firstly, when setting up Google authentication for my site, crystalcraftmc.com, I followed the official guide provided by the XenForo team.
A month or two ago, a user contacted me saying that they were no longer able to log into the site with Google, and they were presented with this error.
I've double-checked that all of my Google Console information is updated and correct. What could the problem be? Any troubleshooting tips?
Firstly, when setting up Google authentication for my site, crystalcraftmc.com, I followed the official guide provided by the XenForo team.
A month or two ago, a user contacted me saying that they were no longer able to log into the site with Google, and they were presented with this error.
Error 400 (OAuth2 Error!)
That’s an error.
Error: origin_mismatch
Application: Project Default Service Account
You can email the developer of this application at: myemailgoeshere @foo . bar
Request Details
That’s all we know.
- =
- access_type=offline
- hl=en-US
- origin=https://crystalcraftmc.com
- response_type=code token id_token gsession
- client_id=1083591860170-tclu1p7uh7pm8dvksueknvjv06m3hrs2.apps.googleusercontent.com
- proxy=oauth2relay441698940
- scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login email
- request_visible_actions=http://schemas.google.com/AddActivity
- redirect_uri=postmessage
- state=2021207798|0.3642291224
- cookie_policy=single_host_origin
- include_granted_scopes=true
I've double-checked that all of my Google Console information is updated and correct. What could the problem be? Any troubleshooting tips?