GoodForNothing Classifieds [Paid] [Deleted]

So I wanted to set up packages to charge groups different percentages for classified ads depending upon their number of posts and whether they donated to the site. I set up packages that were accessible to certain groups, such as active members, donors, active members who are ALSO donors, newbies, newbies who are donors, et. The idea was to ONLY show the appropriate packages for charging fees for ads to the right users. Staff would pay nothing.upload_2016-2-17_2-18-59.webp

Here is active donors' package. As you can see, it should be available to active and donor user groups.


However, when I tested this, it did not work. It showed several packages for active users, not just the active user package.

What am I doing wrong?

I want to have a package to charge active users 15%, active users who donated 10%, etc. How would I do this?
Since I've had a few PM's regarding changes I've made here they are.

In classifieds_item_edit

Removed the upload form (seemed redundant to have uploads and a gallery function built in)
        <xen:if hascontent="true">
            <dl class="ctrlUnit">
                        <xen:include template="attachment_upload_button">
                            <xen:set var="$buttonText">{xen:phrase upload_file}...</xen:set>
                            <xen:set var="$attachmentButtonKey">attach_upload</xen:set>

I also removed the "Package" option. I have a simple need and its all fulfilled with one package

Find and remove
        <xen:if is="{$canEditPackage}">
            <dl class="ctrlUnit">
                    <label for="ctrl_package_id">{xen:phrase select_package}:</label>
                    <dfn>{xen:phrase required}</dfn>
                    <select id="ctrl_package_id" name="package_id" class="textCtrl PackageLoader" data-package-url="{xen:link classifieds/package-info}">
                        <xen:if is="!{$classified.package_id}"><option value="0"></option></xen:if>
                        <xen:foreach loop="$packages" value="$package">
                            <option value="{$package.package_id}" {xen:selected '{$classified.package_id} == {$package.package_id}'}>{$package.title}</option>
                    <p class="explain">{xen:phrase select_package_to_load_info}</p>
                    <div class="PackageInfo"></div>
        <xen:else />

You will also want to remove the
thats two-three lines down and leave intact the
            <input type="hidden" name="package_id" value="{$classified.package_id}" />

In classified_item_view

<div class="classifiedInfo {xen:if $galleryImages, '', 'noSlideShow'}">

<div class="classifiedInfo {xen:if $galleryImages, ''}">

                <span class="classifiedPrice">{xen:if '!{$classified.price} && {$advertType.zero_value_text}', '{$advertType.zero_value_text}', '{xen:helper classifiedPrice, $classified.price, $classified.currency}'}</span>

    <div class="classifiedMeta">
        <div class="classifiedHeader">
            <xen:include template="classifieds_field_group">
                <xen:set var="$fieldGroup" value="above_title" />
                <xen:set var="$extraFieldClass" value="metaInfo" />

AFTER add this line
              <xen:if is="{$galleryImages}">

Replace the next line
<div class="classifiedIcon">

                                {xen:helper classifiedAdvertTypeBadge, $classified.advert_type_id, 0, $classified.classified_state, $linkAdvertTypeHtml}

            <xen:if is="{$classified.tag_line} OR {$extraDescriptionHtml}"><p class="tagLine muted">{$classified.tag_line}<xen:if is="{$classified.tag_line} AND {$extraDescriptionHtml}"><br /></xen:if>{xen:raw $extraDescriptionHtml}</p></xen:if>

            <xen:else />
            <div class="classifiedSlideShow">

        {xen:helper classifiedPrefix, $classified} {$classified.title}
                {xen:helper classifiedAdvertTypeBadge, $classified.advert_type_id, 0, $classified.classified_state, $linkAdvertTypeHtml}

                                {xen:helper classifiedAdvertTypeBadge, $classified.advert_type_id, 0, $classified.classified_state, $linkAdvertTypeHtml}

        <xen:if is="!{$galleryImages}">
            <div class="classifiedPrice">
                <div class="pairsJustified">
                        <dt>{xen:phrase price}:</dt>
                        <dd>{xen:if '!{$classified.price} && {$advertType.zero_value_text}', '{$advertType.zero_value_text}', '{xen:helper classifiedPrice, $classified.price, $classified.currency}'}</dd>


After (This is going to move the price from the gallery image to a more prominent location thats easier to see and find for users)
        <div class="classifiedButtons">

<span class="newPrice">{xen:phrase price}: {xen:if '!{$classified.price} && {$advertType.zero_value_text}', '{$advertType.zero_value_text}', '{xen:helper classifiedPrice, $classified.price}'}</span>

This part moves the social share icons out of the way...

Find and delete

    <xen:if is="{xen:property classifiedsSocialShareLocation} == 2">
            <xen:include template="classifieds_social_share" />

    <xen:include template="classifieds_field_group">
            <xen:set var="$fieldGroup" value="below_title" />
            <xen:set var="$extraFieldClass" value="metaInfo" />

After add the social icons back in.

<xen:if is="{xen:property classifiedsSocialShareLocation} == 2">
            <xen:include template="classifieds_social_share" />

Save and close template

next edit the classifieds_view_header.css

    .noSlideShow .classifiedHeader

Change the margin-right accordingly. I set mine to 250px

Then add to the bottom
                .classifiedInfo .classifiedSlideShow > img
            {xen:property avatar}
            width: 388px;
            height: 388px;
span.newPrice {
    font-size: 20px;
    font-weight: bold;
    padding-right: 75px;
    .customClassifiedFields dt{font-weight: bold; color: black;}

The last line of CSS above will make the custom field titles bold.

Next template: classifieds_item_view_tab

The next change will remove the Discussion tab (Why have a forum discussion and comments directly on the classified, seemed redundant to me) So we're going to remove the "Discussion" tab

        <xen:if is="{$thread}">
            <li class="classifiedDiscussionTab {xen:if "{$selectedTab} == 'discussion'", active}">
                <a href="{xen:link threads, $thread}">{xen:phrase discussion} <xen:if is="{$thread.reply_count}">({xen:number $thread.reply_count})</xen:if></a>

This change will make the "Comments" tab always show. If there are no comments it will link directly back to the classified to avoid the "No permission" error page. If there is 1 or more comments, it will then link directly to the "Comments" page for the classified.

 <xen:if is="{$totalComments}">
            <li class="classifiedCommentTab {xen:if "{$selectedTab} == 'comment'", active}">
                <a href="{xen:link classifieds/comments, $classified}">{xen:phrase comments} ({xen:number $totalComments})</a>

and BEFORE the </xen:if> add

<xen:else />
                        <li class="classifiedCommentTab {xen:if "{$selectedTab} == 'comment'", active}">
<a href="{xen:link classifieds, $classified}#">{xen:phrase comments}</a></li>

I suggest making these changes to a test forum before doing it on your live forum. This is what worked for me, and according to the template manager are the changes I made to get the layout everyone seems to like at

If anyone has any further suggestions let me know. I'd be more than happy assist.
Is it possible to choose more categories\ child categories at once? for example in my country there are 29 "states" and i want my customers\ users to choose more than one state to se whats beeing sold there?
So I wanted to set up packages to charge groups different percentages for classified ads depending upon their number of posts and whether they donated to the site. I set up packages that were accessible to certain groups, such as active members, donors, active members who are ALSO donors, newbies, newbies who are donors, et. The idea was to ONLY show the appropriate packages for charging fees for ads to the right users. Staff would pay nothing.View attachment 128719

Here is active donors' package. As you can see, it should be available to active and donor user groups.

View attachment 128722

However, when I tested this, it did not work. It showed several packages for active users, not just the active user package.

What am I doing wrong?

I want to have a package to charge active users 15%, active users who donated 10%, etc. How would I do this?
I'm not sure if what I'm going to say is right but since you haven't received any reply back, I'll share my thoughts.

Your idea is fantastic and I'm planning something similar for my site although not as complex as yours. I think your current setup of usergroups wouldn't work because when you select several usergroups in the package manager you're basically saying: I want to enable this package for ANY of the following usergroups, which wouldn't work for what you need.

In order to create a package only for your Active and Donor users, you would have to create an usergroup with both of those users which would complicate things exponentially for you.

As to solutions to your problem, I don't see how you could do something like that. A modification to the software would have to be done although I think it would be a great idea.
However, when I tested this, it did not work. It showed several packages for active users, not just the active user package.
That would be because the system system does not check the combination of user groups selected for the package but rather checks if the user is in at least one of the selected user groups.
So for the package mentioned in your post, the package will be available for users who belong to the "Actives", "Donors" and both "Actives" and "Donors" user groups.

I can add a new option in the package editor that will check if the user is in all the groups selected for the package, I guess that will make your life a little easier.
That would be because the system system does not check the combination of user groups selected for the package but rather checks if the user is in at least one of the selected user groups.
So for the package mentioned in your post, the package will be available for users who belong to the "Actives", "Donors" and both "Actives" and "Donors" user groups.

I can add a new option in the package editor that will check if the user is in all the groups selected for the package, I guess that will make your life a little easier.

That would be great, as well as enhance the addon.

As I said, depending upon whether the user is active, has donated to the site, is a staff member, etc, the addon should determine the fee rate.
Active users should pay less than those who join the forum just to sell something. Those who donate and are active also should pay less because they belong to both groups, are active and have donated to the site. Staff work for free on the site, so they should pay little or nothing, even if they belong to the first two groups.
Just a couple more questions...

Does the classified system automatically add URL's into the sitemap?
If I wanted to create a notice to display when a user is creating a new classified what would the controller and action be? For example I can use XenForo_ControllerPublic_Forum::CreateThread to only show notices on the create thread page
And if I just wanted to show a notice while a user was browsing the classifieds what setting would i use also?

Thanks :D and as always if I figure it out before i get an answer I'll be back to share it.
I am seriously considering to buy this addon, but i need more pictures, do you have more pictures of the grid system?
and are there possibilities to have som kind of autopost to social media, twitter, facebook ect?
and is auction services in the making?

Sorry for bad English its not my original language.
(potential buyer) The demo I saw had a thread with tabs in the thread to images and description. My members are used to regular style threads for their classifieds, is it an option to have the ad look more like a traditional thread? And as far as I can tell this is using the xenforo nodes? So if I have pre-existing classified categories I can turn them into GFNC? Thanks
@Mr. Goodie2Shoes i paid your mod but i didn't received any script. Where is?
Strange, I sent a message on 15th after the payment was made... I've resent it. Please check your spambox if you still do not see any message in your inbox.

Is it going to be? :)
Yes :D

Does the classified system automatically add URL's into the sitemap?
Yes :D

If I wanted to create a notice to display when a user is creating a new classified what would the controller and action be?
The controller is GFNClassifieds_ControllerPublic_Classified and the action is add

And if I just wanted to show a notice while a user was browsing the classifieds what setting would i use also?
The controller is GFNClassifieds_ControllerPublic_Classified and the action is view :)

I am seriously considering to buy this addon, but i need more pictures, do you have more pictures of the grid system?
You can check out the demo:

and are there possibilities to have som kind of autopost to social media, twitter, facebook ect?
Not at this moment.

and is auction services in the making?
This will be implemented later on, we currently don't have a timeline for this. :)

(potential buyer) The demo I saw had a thread with tabs in the thread to images and description. My members are used to regular style threads for their classifieds, is it an option to have the ad look more like a traditional thread? And as far as I can tell this is using the xenforo nodes? So if I have pre-existing classified categories I can turn them into GFNC? Thanks
I actually didn't get your question, sorry. But the threads are created and associated with a classified if the classified's category is linked with a forum node. This is the same mechanism as how threads and resources are linked in XenResource.
As for pre-existing classified categories (i.e. forums I guess?) there's currently no way to convert the existing threads to classifieds.
Sorry, I guess what I was saying is that on an add page there can be 4 tabs that people will need to tab through to see everything about the ad. It would be nice to have an option of a single page view for the ad.

If I have an existing forum "Classifieds For Sale", can I turn it into a category for this system, so that at least 1,000's of our historical ads remain in the GFN classifieds category? Thanks
Sorry, I guess what I was saying is that on an add page there can be 4 tabs that people will need to tab through to see everything about the ad. It would be nice to have an option of a single page view for the ad.
The pages are tabbed to make them cleaner. Because I believe the page will become too cluttered to put all the information in one page. And a lot of changes to the core files will have to be made to make everything to a single page. :)

If I have an existing forum "Classifieds For Sale", can I turn it into a category for this system, so that at least 1,000's of our historical ads remain in the GFN classifieds category? Thanks
Unfortunately that's not possible. Because what you are talking about is basically a forum node containing the "classified" threads. And this is totally different than how the classified system do things. But there will be an importer for this in the future hopefully. :)
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