Forum Statistics -

Forum Statistics - 1.0.0

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Wondering how much time it uses to calculate activity for who's online? Likewise, how can this interval be changed?

i have a problem. how do i get the statistics moved down? use this tab addon and it's under the statistics?
Thank you


and how do i get the names of admin/mod and others in color? hmm
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You would need to change the order/priority of the template modifications but you will need developer mode enabled to do so.
You would need to change the order/priority of the template modifications but you will need developer mode enabled to do so.

sry that doesn't tell me anything right now... can I change that? :/

@edit: so I've activated it and go to my home page and what do I have to do :/
I'd appreciate an explanation:/

Also how I can possibly reduce the footer. The copyright stays in just so it ruins my style.
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Nice little add-on.
I am trying to replicate this using template styling however the only issue i am having is that when I try to move over the contents of forum statistics widget to the members online widget, all the statistics reset to 0? Any idea how I can tackle this?
Looks like a cool add-on, except it doesn't seem to work. I successfully installed it on XF 1.5.18, but I see no stats of any kind below my nodes (this is I assume where it's supposed to show). Any ideas? I use [bd] Widget Framework 2.6.0 dev if that makes any difference.

Help please, I'd really like to use this! Thanks!
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