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Updating the style for 1.1.4 and the Resource Manager will take some time. I'll try to get it done this weekend but no promises, I am extremely busy. Thanks for your patience. :)
Sweet! Might I suggest (if you have time) you go through the template diffs with a tool like XenMerge - I notice you use tabs vs spaces compared to the master template, leading to unnecessary diffs.
Okay, I just ran a diff comparison... and there shouldn't be any harm in upgrading XenForo. You simply won't get to use the new moderator bar or the navbar itemcount unless you fix those templates (which I have done for my forum).
Updating the style for 1.1.4 and the Resource Manager will take some time. I'll try to get it done this weekend but no promises, I am extremely busy. Thanks for your patience. :)
Just checking in to see if you post anything new ;)

I am looking for a way to design the Ressource manager homepage sidebar as it is displayed in categories and ressources (separated blocks)
Can we expect a Ressource update for a compatibility for Flexile ?
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