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Flexile 1.0.1 released. Changelog:
  • Updated for XenForo 1.0.1.
  • Updated 8WayRun CSS.
  • Fixed inner width of sidebar (now slightly larger and same as default style).
  • Fixed visual bug with super long breadcrumb strings.
  • Updated editor smiley icon to new smiley.
  • Briefly tested with Internet Explorer 9.
Here is the current status of Internet Explorer support:
  • IE 6: completely broken visually, pretty much unusable
  • IE 7: visually broken in some areas, but still very usable
  • IE 8: visually accurate with the exception of all CSS3 effects, completely usable
  • IE 9: visually accurate with the exception of one or two CSS3 effects, completely usable
The style works fine on iOS for me, as long as it is fixed width. I will look into some of the fluid-width issues but it's not on the top of my list right now. :)

Is it possible in XenForo to show IE 6 a different template? Even stock?

BTW, thanks for the steady stream of updates. Much appreciated.
Enable what ?
If the little broken page icon is a shiny blue, like in the screenshot, you have compatibility view enabled. You should disable this (click on the icon) as Flexile uses modern web standards that work fine with IE 9 and shouldn't be viewed with compatibility view, which is designed for much older sites and essentially makes IE 9 behave like IE 6/7. :)

My apologies for the late reply. Somehow I missed my alert.
I registered at your page.. hope you don't mind.. there is an interessting thing:
on my homepage, PC-signature pictures are zoomed to fit in the signature.. on yours it's not... you can't even click on the image..
Update: Printscreen in attachment to see my site
Thank you for going to this effort. How can I change my site to behave like yours? To zoom out or whatever you are doing?

Well the width of the message block is smaller for conversations than it is for regular forum posts, so this should be a problem with the fixed width default style, too. How does the default style handle it?

On the default style it is not an issue. The page is extremely wide so it can fit the signature quite easily.

If it would help to have the signature for testing you can use the following

How did 8way achieve getting their logo to show behind the upper navbar?
Well I was going to ask that next how they did the gradient boxes over each unused nav box. But no more like when I make a 100 height logo and set the header in properties to 100 it starts over the navbar. In the dark version it is fine. Look at my arrow in the image thats how I want this to start not over the nav
Well I was going to ask that next how they did the gradient boxes over each unused nav box. But no more like when I make a 100 height logo and set the header in properties to 100 it starts over the navbar. In the dark version it is fine. Look at my arrow in the image thats how I want this to start not over the nav

The navigation bar appearance can be modified either in the navigation.css template, or better in EXTRA.css. An example you can add to EXTRA.css would be
#navigation {opacity: 0.9;}

For the rest I am not clear on your meaning. Are you wanting to adjust the horizontal position of your image? You want it more to the left?
Hello Erik,

Would it be possible to also support [LN] Blog in your Style? Currently it looks broken :(
I very much like the 8WayRun addition you got in your style :D
The navigation bar appearance can be modified either in the navigation.css template, or better in EXTRA.css. An example you can add to EXTRA.css would be
#navigation {opacity: 0.9;}

For the rest I am not clear on your meaning. Are you wanting to adjust the horizontal position of your image? You want it more to the left?

They have boxes surrounding the unclicked menu items. How was that done?

Thanks again
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