Flat Awesome + - PixelExit.com

Flat Awesome + - PixelExit.com [Paid] 2.2.14

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Pixel Exit updated Flat Awesome + - PixelExit.com with a new update entry:

2.1 compatibility is here!

This update is meant for those looking to get a head start on the XF 2.1 release. Since XF 2.1 is currently in beta and is not recommended for a live site, we suggest using this style only on a test forum until 2.1 comes to a stable release.

For the full announcement and change-log please see: https://pixelexit.com/threads/2-1-beta-2-style-updates.7217/

For upgrade instructions please see: https://pixelexit.com/documentation/upgrading/

You may download the new...

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For those of us who've been using FlatAwesome as a parent skin on XF1, how difficult is it to convert over our skins to XF2? Can we simply upgrade the forum, put in the new FlatAwesome+ parent skins and that's it? Or do we need to redo all our child skins from scratch?
For those of us who've been using FlatAwesome as a parent skin on XF1, how difficult is it to convert over our skins to XF2? Can we simply upgrade the forum, put in the new FlatAwesome+ parent skins and that's it? Or do we need to redo all our child skins from scratch?

Have to redo from scratch, this goes for any XF1 style or add-on, unfortunately. We do offer styling services to at least get it started for you, you can always contact me with your URL and I can provide a quote if that's something that interests you.
Pixel Exit updated Flat Awesome + - PixelExit.com with a new update entry:


This update brings the style up-to-date with XenForo 2.1. Please take a backup (export) of your styles before upgrading. For a full change-log along with upgrade/install instructions please see our announcement thread: https://pixelexit.com/threads/2-1-style-updates.7816/

All current license holders can download your update here: https://pixelexit.com/products/purchases

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@Pixel Exit Is Flat Awesome Dark Plus a separate purchase? Looks that way from the demo, but I don't see it being advertised here as a separate style....
You get the regular FA+ and Dark in the one purchase & download. In the combined *.zip file, in addition to the standard light FA+ xml there is a dark version of the standard xml file (to use as a parent, does not require light style) and another dark xml file that is intended to be used as a child style of the light FA+ parent. 😎

For myself and my forum users, the Flaw Awesome and Flat Awesome Dark themes don't keep their width after the browser restarts, we have to toggle it each time. All other themes work fine. Any ideas how I can diagnose?

For myself and my forum users, the Flaw Awesome and Flat Awesome Dark themes don't keep their width after the browser restarts, we have to toggle it each time. All other themes work fine. Any ideas how I can diagnose?

We use the built-in XenForo cookies to achieve the toggle settings. Some browsers do have an option to clear cookies upon quitting the browser which could be a culprit. No real workaround for that with the current setup.

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, this is a problem on multiple browsers that only occurs with this theme (not UI.X or others, for example) so I'm not sure how it could be on the user end.

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, this is a problem on multiple browsers that only occurs with this theme (not UI.X or others, for example) so I'm not sure how it could be on the user end.
Can you create a ticket on our site and we’ll check it out, if possible provide a test account.
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