Flat Awesome + - PixelExit.com

Flat Awesome + - PixelExit.com [Paid] 2.2.14

No permission to buy ($40.00)
OK, I did that when I upgraded--I overwrote FA+ and realized my general edits were in the Zipped child style (layout, etc.) anyways. Color variations are in child styles of Zipped.

Only I hit a snag in that there are some templates needing merging--I'll be opening a ticket later to assist with that. Namely, PAGE_CONTAINER has at least a half dozen places where I have to choose between parent, modified or both to resolve the merge. And I lost the dual column layout but, I have a feeling that will be resolved once I complete the merges properly.

Overall though, not too much work to do an upgrade! Those are always a nail biter for me. 😁
I opened a ticket to find out. I would think merging is fine, but will wait to see if there's an update for 2.2.2 as I'd rather install that instead as there may be other minor bug fixes.
The previous version of Flat Awesome + seems to be working fine. I'm guessing the changes are pretty minor?

I do plan to update but just wondering how much urgency there is to get that done.
The previous version of Flat Awesome + seems to be working fine. I'm guessing the changes are pretty minor?

I do plan to update but just wondering how much urgency there is to get that done.
Very minimal. If outdated templates don't bug you, this update was not of any real significance.
I love your beautiful, modern and clear styles, Russ.(y):)

I have a few questions about the Flat Awsome +:

1. Where can I change the text "You can use your own text here"?


2. How can I make the entire line blue in the navbar under "Forum Home" when I mouseover. A small residue, on the far left, remains dark.

3. How can I change the displayed size of the logo in the smartphone / responsive design. The version of the logo shown is currently too small for me.

Many Thanks! You are doing a really good job!
2.) This is something XF adds in by default, just isn't noticed because of the fluid width of the navigation normally. Add this to the template extra.less to get rid of it:

.p-nav-list:before, .p-nav-list:after {
    width: 0;

.p-nav-smallLogo {
    max-width: 150px;
Hi Russel. Thank you for your quick reply. I was only able to test the code now.
Unfortunately, the code for the navbar does not work.
The code for the size of the smartphone logos works partially.
Partly because the logos are displayed much smaller in the Firefox browser.
Hi Russel. Thank you for your quick reply. I was only able to test the code now.
Unfortunately, the code for the navbar does not work.
The code for the size of the smartphone logos works partially.
Partly because the logos are displayed much smaller in the Firefox browser.

Looking at your site, the gap on the left side is no longer there now. Can you clarify with a new screenshot?

Same with the logo, it appears to be working.

Can the main color be changed
From green to red


Yes! You can easily change the primary green color to anything you'd like. We use the Color palette in XenForo which is a simple color picker that you can edit.
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