Flat Awesome + - PixelExit.com

Flat Awesome + - PixelExit.com [Paid] 2.2.14

No permission to buy ($40.00)
Due to debug mode being on, that's newer in XF 2.0.4, or 3 can't quite remember. (XF added this not us)
yeah i found that after trying to upgrade some addons that it seems to have flipped on after the v2 upgrade somehow. now biggie.

i gotta get a handle on this options layout. this thing is weird.
I would suggest to add a default xbAlternatePageWidth of 100% or something so people who have skipped 2.0.4 actually will see that feature. =)
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I would suggest to add a default xbAlternatePageWidth of 100% or something so people who have skipped 2.0.4 actually will see that feature. =)

FA+ Ships out with 95% alternate page width by default, assuming your main style width isn't 95% or near there you should notice the function toggle widths. That being said... we're working on some marketing for the styles.

Might want to update the resource text regarding Dark, @Pixel Exit .

Thank you, getting it updated now for Core too!
Is this meant to happen when using the width toggle?

Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 3.28.15 pm.webp

Also, iPhone X safari.... mobile is a little horrible to use. The width has no padding, placing the text against the edge of the screen, AND, there is a slight margin (maybe) issue which allows the whole thing to be move left to right about 10px or so, which just really detracts from using it. Makes it hard.

I was just about to respond to your email Anthony :).

It's an issue with the boxed version, I have adjustments in our upcoming release to correct these issues. If you want for now... disabling the boxed version would be the easiest correction. I can get you a proper fix when I'm back from the weekend.
Sounds good. Thanks Russ.

So I've made quite a few adjustments on this and it's a little more complicated than a few CSS tweaks. I'm working towards pushing these updates out so I hope you don't mind waiting for those. Let me know if that's a problem.
Will there be a free version of this style like there is for 1.x.x? I'm currently using that on the forum I manage for a friend and I want to stick with Flat Awesome when I move to 2.x.x. Not sure he wants to pay for a style at this time.
Will there be a free version of this style like there is for 1.x.x? I'm currently using that on the forum I manage for a friend and I want to stick with Flat Awesome when I move to 2.x.x. Not sure he wants to pay for a style at this time.

Not at this time, my only free style for 2.0 is": https://xenforo.com/community/resources/ipbee-pixelexit-com.6062/

Currently focusing on some new paid styles and our brand new Pixel Exit site.
Pixel Exit updated Flat Awesome + - PixelExit.com with a new update entry:

2.0.10 Style Updates

We've pushed out our 2.0.10 updates for all active customers. This is a rather large update which you can view the changes here:

Additionally I've created a little showcase of some things that made it into the update:

You may download the update here:

Thank you everyone!

Read the rest of this update entry...
I truly love this theme, but when I was working on a custom add-on, and included a css template and it completely broke the area I was designing. Even after removal it still wouldn't fix it.
Can you provide some more detail on what you added, where and if possible the code you were entering in the template?
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