Firefox keeps getting better, doesn't it?

Using FF 4 right now and really loving it. The only issue I've found, as with previous Mac versions, if you leave it open long enough, the active memory gets piled on. Easy to fix, but still annoying to have to quit to free up the memory (right now it's at about 500mb).
It rarely uses more than 320mb of ram for me (wouldn't matter if it used 500, I've got 8GB ram >->). I'm using 4.0 and I'm loving it. Chrome isn't the best for security and that's always been a hassle for me since my computer itself only has meager free antivirus and spyware protection. Also, the adblock extension on chrome doesn't work as well as the one for FireFox. I'm going to try it now on my iMac and see how it goes, I've only tried the new FireFox on Windows 7.
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