External Accounts Extended

External Accounts Extended 2018-03-02

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Getting this error on integration with LinkedIn

I checked the FAQ and nothing has helped, here is my configuration in LinkedIn

What I need to do in order to show the value of a linked account?
For example: let's say that I would like to show the value of a linked {$external.battlenet} account into another Template.

Thank you in advance for any support.
What I need to do in order to show the value of a linked account?
For example: let's say that I would like to show the value of a linked {$external.battlenet} account into another Template.

Thank you in advance for any support.
Output the information like so:
{xen:helper dump, {$user.externalAuth.live}}

Replace live or user (like for example, $message) with whatever is correct in the context of your implementation :)

Check the template `account_external_accounts_extended` for more usages and examples.
Output the information like so:
{xen:helper dump, {$user.externalAuth.live}}

Replace live or user (like for example, $message) with whatever is correct in the context of your implementation :)

Check the template `account_external_accounts_extended` for more usages and examples.

Just tried and it works!

Is it better to use

Which one gives better performance?
Just tried and it works!

Is it better to use

Which one gives better performance?
the {$visitor} variable is used for whatever person is using the page. It always contains something.

the {$user} is not always available but is available on someone's profile. Sometimes user data can be included in other variables but you would have to investigate further depending on the page you are currently using.
the {$visitor} variable is used for whatever person is using the page. It always contains something.

the {$user} is not always available but is available on someone's profile. Sometimes user data can be included in other variables but you would have to investigate further depending on the page you are currently using.

What about the one that you just suggested, {$message}?
hi, i'm seeing its showing a signature at the bottom of the amp versions bd cache generates, example:


at bottom right:

  • Xeno Gamers is lurking in your source, powering your sites :D
I want to remove this.

Btw, i had to buy the add-on a second time, and even now it isn't recognizing that i bought it, i think its related to the fact that our PayPal email address is not the same email address than the one associated with our xenforo account? can you fix that too?

hi, i'm seeing its showing a signature at the bottom of the amp versions bd cache generates, example:


at bottom right:

  • Xeno Gamers is lurking in your source, powering your sites :D
I want to remove this.

Btw, i had to buy the add-on a second time, and even now it isn't recognizing that i bought it, i think its related to the fact that our PayPal email address is not the same email address than the one associated with our xenforo account? can you fix that too?

Send me a PM and I'll help you out there :)

You can also open the Listener.php file and just comment that out. It does not have to be included at all!
Im unable to purchase by Paypal as its saying:
Sorry, we can’t complete your purchase at this time
Please return to the merchant and choose another way to pay.


api.vk.com started to return error after OAuth on getProfiles method:
Error: _actionRegister: $eeError
Could not find "uid" in $eeUser. Dumping $eeUser

array(1) {
  ["error"] => array(3) {
    ["error_code"] => int(8)
    ["error_msg"] => string(40) "Invalid request: v (version) is required"
    ["request_params"] => array(3) {
      [0] => array(2) {
        ["key"] => string(5) "oauth"
        ["value"] => string(1) "1"
      [1] => array(2) {
        ["key"] => string(6) "method"
        ["value"] => string(11) "getProfiles"
      [2] => array(2) {
        ["key"] => string(6) "fields"
        ["value"] => string(83) "first_name,last_name,nickname,screen_name,sex,bdate,city,country,timezone,photo_big"

Their API docs mentioning "v=" parameter. Looks like it's mandatory now on all requests to api.vk.com.

UPD.: How I've resolved it:
- public $authUser = 'uid';
+ public $authUser = 'id';

            if (is_array($accessToken))
                $client->setParameterGet('access_token', $accessToken['access_token']);
                $client->setParameterGet('access_token', $accessToken);


+           $client->setParameterGet('v', '5.73');
            $response = $client->request('GET');
            $response = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);

Looks like previously in case if no API version is mentioned, there was a fallback to 3.0. Now this fallback is deprecated, probably as version 3.0 itself.
Also API versions >4.0 sending "id" instead of "guid".
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