XF 2.1 Cannot redirect /account/external-accounts/ to /account/connected-accounts/


Well-known member
Hello there,

I've tried applying a route filter to map old XF 1.5 urls to XF 2.1 ones:
account/contact-details/ -> account/account-details/
account/external-accounts/ -> account/connected-accounts/

However this does not appear to work. When clicking on an old link in an old post linking to account/contact-details/ I get an error message instead of being redirected to the new account-details page (and the actual page is not even available anymore until I disable the route filter).

How can I fix that?
The route filters need to be marked as “internal” and, if I recall correctly, although it may seem backwards swap the two fields.

So with internal set it would be:
account/connected-accounts/ -> account/external-accounts/
Thank you. This works with the account-details page, but not with the external-accounts page.

It works when redirecting to /account/external-accounts/, but not when redirecting to /account/external-accounts
Do I need to create two route filters for that?
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