External Accounts Extended

External Accounts Extended 2018-03-02

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I'll give it a little bit for the cache to catch up and I'll let you know. It may or may not work cause of the UI.X I have. I have a custom theme made and it may not be showing because of that.
I'll give it a little bit for the cache to catch up and I'll let you know. It may or may not work cause of the UI.X I have. I have a custom theme made and it may not be showing because of that.
Unless you specifically edited the UI.X template for the login window then it should be ok.
If it still persists could you PM me the template contents of `uix_loginForm` or check if the template mods are being applied for your style with that template.
There seems to be a slight problem with the battle.net integration. In the options you can set the scope. But I am pretty sure you don't send the scope to battle.net so I get a token that is valid for that scope.
(Need that token in a different addon to fetch other data)
There seems to be a slight problem with the battle.net integration. In the options you can set the scope. But I am pretty sure you don't send the scope to battle.net so I get a token that is valid for that scope.
(Need that token in a different addon to fetch other data)
I'll check it out but I believe it does. It doesn't fetch any information currently in relation to that scope though. It's only fetching the battle ID.
I'll check it out but I believe it does. It doesn't fetch any information currently in relation to that scope though. It's only fetching the battle ID.
No you should only pick up a token. But if you set the scope then I would get a different webpage at blizzard when I approve the login.. I would have to approve that it should give access to my wow data.

And another question. How can I from another addon read the token you have stored for the access?
No you should only pick up a token. But if you set the scope then I would get a different webpage at blizzard when I approve the login.. I would have to approve that it should give access to my wow data.

And another question. How can I from another addon read the token you have stored for the access?
It's stored the same way as all other external accounts are stored (like Twitter, Facebook, Google). You can use the XenForo model `XenForo_Model_UserExternal` to access them :)
Hi! Thanks for releasing this extention. :)

Having issues on registering through Odnoklassniki.
Pressing "Auth through OK" button, then approving OAuth request from OK, then filling username/email, pressing Register and white screen with url "forumurl/register/odnoklassniki/register" appears.

Error appears on error log:
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined method ExternalExtended_Extend_ControllerPublic_Tumblr::_runSpamCheck() - library/ExternalExtended/Extend/ControllerPublic/Register.php:315
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(57) "https://forumurl/register/odnoklassniki/register"
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(8) {
    ["username"] => string(10) "Myusername"
    ["email"] => string(18) "my@email.com"
    ["timezone"] => string(14) "Africa/Nairobi"
    ["agree"] => string(1) "1"
    ["associate_login"] => string(0) ""
    ["associate_password"] => string(8) "********"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
    ["redirect"] => string(26) "https://forumurl/"

> ControllerPublic_Tumblr
Hi! Thanks for releasing this extention. :)

Having issues on registering through Odnoklassniki.
Pressing "Auth through OK" button, then approving OAuth request from OK, then filling username/email, pressing Register and white screen with url "forumurl/register/odnoklassniki/register" appears.

Error appears on error log:
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Call to undefined method ExternalExtended_Extend_ControllerPublic_Tumblr::_runSpamCheck() - library/ExternalExtended/Extend/ControllerPublic/Register.php:315
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}

array(3) {
  ["url"] => string(57) "https://forumurl/register/odnoklassniki/register"
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(8) {
    ["username"] => string(10) "Myusername"
    ["email"] => string(18) "my@email.com"
    ["timezone"] => string(14) "Africa/Nairobi"
    ["agree"] => string(1) "1"
    ["associate_login"] => string(0) ""
    ["associate_password"] => string(8) "********"
    ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
    ["redirect"] => string(26) "https://forumurl/"

> ControllerPublic_Tumblr
Hmmm what version is your XenForo board at?
No you should only pick up a token. But if you set the scope then I would get a different webpage at blizzard when I approve the login.. I would have to approve that it should give access to my wow data.

And another question. How can I from another add on read the token you have stored for the access?
Perhaps I didn't explain it properly. When you set the scope the token will also give access to the databases at blizzard so you can get in game character information from their databases using that token. That is why the scope is interesting. It will not 'change' anything for your authentication add on. But it will make the token more usable for other add ons.
It's 1.3.5.
Please don't drop 1.3 support... D: (we wouldn't be able to upgrade it for few months)

Needs to be mentioned: some other OAuth providers like VK or Twitter works fine
I may have to :( you could try commenting out that line and see if it helps.

Perhaps I didn't explain it properly. When you set the scope the token will also give access to the databases at blizzard so you can get in game character information from their databases using that token. That is why the scope is interesting. It will not 'change' anything for your authentication add on. But it will make the token more usable for other add ons.
Yeah I can make a change so it will include that in the database. However currently there's no method for resyncing people, so at the minimum they would have to relogin using the Blizzard API.
I may have to :( you could try commenting out that line and see if it helps.

Yeah I can make a change so it will include that in the database. However currently there's no method for resyncing people, so at the minimum they would have to relogin using the Blizzard API.

Would be perfect as I haven't opened my new forum yet. That is why I hoped you would fix it before it opened.
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