Donations by Siropu

Donations by Siropu [Paid] 1.5.0

No permission to buy (€19.99)
I upgraded my Paypal account to a business account today, someone from paypal told me it was essential. I think that the problem must come only from my Paypal parameters and not from Sandox which is only useful for the tests if I understood correctly. :rolleyes:
A few questions if i may please @Siropu :)

1. Is is possible to add people to a custom user group only for a specific period of time (Say 1 year)?
2. Is it possible for only Admins to view the donations list?
3. Is it possible for donations over a certain amount to be added to a different group than others?
4. Is it possible to be able to extract donation list to somewhere please (eg csv)

I'm sure there's another, however cant remember it right now :D


Do donation auto renew after the set time? If so, how do I set it not to auto renew?

Would like to see a recurring goal... we like to take donations for server hosting and it should renew automatically every month if possible.

Wanted it, asked him about it he stated to me he has no plans on adding the feature

Since it is a requested feature by more users, it will be considered.

Thats 4 - How many would you like @Siropu :D
Would like to see a recurring goal... we like to take donations for server hosting and it should renew automatically every month if possible.
Voting for this as well.

Recurring server goals is how I would be using it and I do want to use this add-on.

I have a question about this addon. I see that goals are created with a time limit. What happens when the goal expires, are they presented in a historical list?

I would like a more detailed screenshot or video showing how the widget performs. Is there an example website where this widget is in use?
Also, what's the expected flow for a user to cancel a recurring subscription? I could not see any clear way to cancel one once setup

I know it has to be done via Paypal, but xenforo has the nice page within the user upgrades that gives you a link on how to cancel it

(this is the built in xenforo user-upgrades UI)
Sorry, it looks like it was set only for admins. You should be able to see it now.
It looks nice. I have the DBTech Donations add-on but there's a lot I don't like about it and yours seems like a better alternative for me. I'm going to purchase it now, but would what it take for you to open it open to other payment providers, specifically Stripe? I already have Stripe working on my forum so it would be nice to continue to use it.
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