CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
There seems to be some issue with the new version. Ever since I haev enabled and switched on auto feature of threads. Every login since last 12 hours or more the users are getting notifications but no content is showing in the dropdown. The notification balloon will show 15 count but the actual updates would be only 3.

Disabling for now.
Which notifications?

If you have the criteria set up incorrectly then it is possible the threads are being featured and unfeatured.

I haven't noticed any issues with alerts being incorrect during my testing.
Enabling and disabling the auto feature completely messed up the front page. I had disabled the BBcodes in features but after disabling the auto features it is switched on. Seems I will have to go a step further and disable the add-on itself for now.

The criteria I had set was at least 2 posts and 50 views. BB code off, 620 characters, feature indefinite, feature by member. How can they be featured and unfeatured using any combination of setting?
Enabling and disabling the auto feature completely messed up the front page.
In what way?

I had disabled the BBcodes in features but after disabling the auto features it is switched on.
There are completely separate settings for manual and automatic featuring.
I suspect you didn't disable it for automatic featuring.

Seems I will have to go a step further and disable the add-on itself for now.
That's your prerogative, but no-one else has reported any of these problems.
I have already explained. I see all kinds of images and video on the front page. I had disabled BB codes for all settings to be sure.

My prerogative? Sure I bought it and its now my headache if the add-on does not work as advertised. Especially since no one else is facing the issue. Completely understandable.
It works exactly as advertised.
I have just this second tested manual and automatic featuring with BB Code disabled and all bb code is stripped from the content as expected.
Thanks so much for adding the automatic feature. This will be really useful. I do have a question though.

I have set it to auto feature with threads that have 25+ replies 250+views and at least 1 like. these are featured for 2 weeks

My question once they have been featured will the system just pick them up again based on the criteria. Meaning in a way if the criteria stays the same the same posts will be featured?
If they are featured for 2 weeks then they will expire after that time.
If the criteria remains the same they will be featured again.
Hm ok maybe not so useful to me then. As although it will feature new content that meets that criteria which is great, it will keep featuring old content that has been featured before over and over.
It works exactly as advertised.
I have just this second tested manual and automatic featuring with BB Code disabled and all bb code is stripped from the content as expected.
I can confirm that this works as expected - I tested this all during the beta and I've just run the tests again with BBCode disabled for both manual and auto featured threads. I also used various criteria in the test - all threads first, then later with a combination of criteria. As expected, the threads were featured with just the text and no videos or anything else BB Code related.
Hm ok maybe not so useful to me then. As although it will feature new content that meets that criteria which is great, it will keep featuring old content that has been featured before over and over.
I will add a new option to prevent expired threads from being automatically re-featured.
They will still be able to be featured manually.

I shouldn't really add new features to a third point release but I'll probably do a quick release so people can start using that sooner rather than later.
Before I complete this, I want to make it clear that it will apply to the likes/replies/views criteria only.

If the 'All Threads' option is selected, expired threads will still be automatically featured if they are moved into the forum (or approved or undeleted).
I assume this would be the expected behaviour, otherwise why move a thread into a forum which will automatically feature all threads.
great Addon (y)

I am wondering: would it be possible to feature all threads at the Homepage ?

Like for example if you have 1000 threads, would it be possible to feature all 1000 threads at the Homepage ?

Preferably with "endless scrolling" Masonry-Layout at the Homepage ?
Yes, all threads can be featured - I did it on my test installation during testing.
All 6,000 threads were automatically featured in less than a minute.

The page is paginated with the number of threads per page as an option.
Endless scrolling will never be implemented - it's an abomination!
Likewise for masonry layout.
great Addon (y)

I am wondering: would it be possible to feature all threads at the Homepage ?

Like for example if you have 1000 threads, would it be possible to feature all 1000 threads at the Homepage ?

Preferably with "endless scrolling" Masonry-Layout at the Homepage ?
Doesn't featuring every single thread kinda lose the point of it being a Featured Thread... as in you're highlighting the best topics/discussions being posted.
each user could "feature" some of his own threads or certain threads of other members at his very own "Profile Page".....

Yes, all threads can be featured - I did it on my test installation during testing.
All 6,000 threads were automatically featured in less than a minute.

The page is paginated with the number of threads per page as an option.
Endless scrolling will never be implemented - it's an abomination!
Likewise for masonry layout.

Sweet, sweet words!
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