CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

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I have two full time jobs so never know when I'm going to find the time to develop.

For that reason I like to push out small updates more frequently, rather than large updates less frequently.
Which error?

As long as you have followed the instructions in red in the release notes, that's all you need to do.
Which error?
As long as you have followed the instructions in red in the release notes, that's all you need to do.
As I explained earlier, I got this error because I didn't follow them. You said "Any errors related to "Undefined index: sortOrder", "Undefined variable: featuredThreads", "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" can be ignored and deleted from the log." But this is a different kind of error.

The error I get for the CTA_featuredthreads_featured template:
This template is outdated. It is recommended that you merge the parent changes into this template.

But I don't know how to merge the changes. There is a button to do this, but it's underintensified.
I'm trying to wortk out if it's possible to have the Featured threads in a widget.

It was asked here:
hi @Brogan few questions:
  1. does this work with widget framework.. i want to place few FTs as well as recent threads widgets on the homepage...

1. Yes. It's mentioned in the FAQ: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/cta-featured-threads-portal.2599/field?field=faq

I believe @Martok uses it with that add-on.

But further searches on widgets or following those links seem to imply although you can use WF to place widgets on the Recent Threads page, you cannot do it the other way round, ie have FT in a widget on other pages:

It isn't possible to put Featured Threads into a widget.

Or maybe that is all out of date, if so can someone point me please to a way to get FTs into a widget?

That's all correct.

You can add widgets to the FT page.
You can't add FTs to widgets for use elsewhere.
It has already been suggested but as I have stated, I won't be adding code to support one specific add-on.

Anything that may be done will be generic so it can be used anywhere.
Might this become possible in future updates? Please!
@Mermaid can you explain the usage case for wanting FTs in a widget? I'm a Widget Framework user but I personally I can't see a need for it - you can already add widgets to the FT page, so you can have multiple widgets and FTs on that page. Also I don't think an FT widget in a sidebar would work very well - it'd either take up too much space or there would be too little text in the widget to make it worth having.
@Mermaid can you explain the usage case for wanting FTs in a widget? I'm a Widget Framework user but I personally I can't see a need for it - you can already add widgets to the FT page, so you can have multiple widgets and FTs on that page. Also I don't think an FT widget in a sidebar would work very well - it'd either take up too much space or there would be too little text in the widget to make it worth having.
What I'm after doing is using xenzine article list as a home page, but I want featured threads to also be on that page, either in a widget in the sidebar or as a block on the page.

I'm sure there are other ways to achieve artcicles and featured threads on same page)

I don't necessarily need Xz to be the homepage portal, it could be Featured Threads, but then I'd need to find a way to display articles or article categories on that.
Any chance of getting the featured threads to scroll, the same way as notices?

At the moment I believe it randomly displays any single featured thread when the forum index loads. It would be nice to be able to specify x featured threads at once to get cycled through without page reload :)
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