CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

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I am having problem with facebook like posting avatar to my facebook page. I have avatars and icons all turned off.. Additionally, there is a file attachment and it is not being posted to my facebook page.
The code used for the share icons is the default XenForo code.

If you want the behaviour to change you will need to change the og code in the templates.
The code used for the share icons is the default XenForo code.

If you want the behaviour to change you will need to change the og code in the templates.

Good to know .. thank you. CTA Featured Threads addon templates can be edited to achieve this?
I like the additions to the core product such as the share buttons, but if I may... I'd move the share buttons to between the [thread] text and the [stats] text. It looks a bit... out of place when placed blow the [stats] text. Either that, or center the buttons, or align right.

You can edit the templates to move the location.
The placement was intentional though, as all of the footer elements directly relate to the thread.

The styling can be achieved with the SPs - either globally for all share services using Share Container and Share Controls, or individually.

I tried to do it like that but the buttons don't align properly with the other items- sort if sit lower.
You will need to edit the templates to move the divs around and then use the Style Properties to style it as required.
Here are results of my template edits


EDIT - I selected facebook like for this featured thread and my avatar was posted to my facebook page instead of the attached file...
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Its those little details.. that may very well have been my one little nuance and it was so miner i really wasnt bothered by it anyways. But still Cake is always better with Icing.
The update overlay also grabs the values, unless it is set to indefinite, in which case it defaults to 2 weeks.



The "do not change" radio button is still automatically selected though when updating.

And of course the feature overlay automatically defaults to whatever is set in the options.

Any help would greatly appreciated on how to insert these Font Awesome icons into FT as seen below. Here is the CSS and HTML I have found. not even sure if it will work.

<li><a href="http://facebook.com/"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a></li>
<li><a href="http://linkedin.com/"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a></li>
<li><a href="http://twitter.com/"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a></li>
<li><a href="http://plus.google.com/"><i class="fa fa-google-plus"></i> </a></li>

ul {

ul li {

ul li a i {
An option to disable the sharing bar/icons would be appriciated. It has a huge impact on page load, especially on mobile (one of the major reasons I guess why there are no social icons in threads via mobile in the core system).

Also to note that via mobile/responsive, the title of a featured thread, in the main block that is shown on the main page, is half hidden due to its length (for example: "New products are for sale by......") . Is it possible to show the full title of the thread?

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An option to disable the sharing bar/icons would be appriciated. It has a huge impact on page load, especially on mobile (one of the major reasons I guess why there are no social icons in threads via mobile in the core system).

They are not in "Options" check your Style Properties: CTA Featured Threads Blocks Footer & Sharing and Style Properties: CTA Featured Threads Page Footer & Sharing
They are not in "Options" check your Style Properties: CTA Featured Threads Blocks Footer & Sharing and Style Properties: CTA Featured Threads Page Footer & Sharing
Great, thanks. So now only showing the full title would be great (see my editing to the previous post).
Style Properties.


Remove the content in the Miscellaneous field for the blocks and page.

Just to reiterate, other than some CSS related to resolving layout bugs and other non-style related issues, every other single thing can be styled using Style Properties.
Look away now if you don't want to see what else is coming in 2.9.

View attachment 76292 View attachment 76293

There is also a new Style Property to define a default icon. If not set the avatar is displayed.

I agree. You warn us :)

I like automatic featuring. Wondering how this would work for existing threads? For example I would like to feature all new published threads in selected forum for 2 days. Is this setting possible?
The all threads option is only for new threads after the option has been selected.

If you want it to stop after 2 days, disable it.

Per forum criteria isn't possible.
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