CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Do you have any outdated templates?

Are the errors still occurring or are the timestamps old?

If you can provide ACP and phpMyAdmin access I can take a look.

It's possible the install script failed for some reason.
I will need phpMyAdmin access as it looks like the install script failed for some reason.

In the mean time I have disabled the blocks on the forum index and forum view.
I have been using the CTA Featured Threads add-on for a little over a week now and what a difference it made to the Veterans Briefing.com discussion area. The home page that I can now create using CTA Featured Threads made it so that we are even thinking about dropping our wordpress site all together. I recommend this add-on to anyone that has not installed it. I do have a question. I am having a problem when I try to use the background setting for a feature thread. The background photo is getting stretched. The viewer can't see the whole photo, and the text blends into the background photo so it is VERY hard to see. I am attaching a capture of my settings. Do I have it set correctly?

enable background settings.webp
Those values are probably way too small for the average site.
A typical fixed site width is around 1000px, much more if it is fluid and on a high resolution monitor.
For some reason (probably another plugin) all of a sudden i cant update/edit the images/icons on FT when i try the page shows as saved but the overlay never pops up. and the thread tools also have no FT options.
Sorry.. Turns out the template rebuilding process was interrupted sometime last night and just needed to complete.
Those values are probably way too small for the average site.
A typical fixed site width is around 1000px, much more if it is fluid and on a high resolution monitor.
It looks somewhat better. Do you have a recommended size and format to save the photo in for a background ? I changed the setting to 2000
It depends on the site.
I use a fixed width so I set the values based on the design of my site.

I suspect you may need to set the values based on the largest width as images always look better when they are reduced in size, rather than increased.
When I turned off the slider fuction and then turn it on again, all the images that had been promoted in to the "slider threads" disappeared.
I am not sure this is a bug or it is coded to work this way but I think the slider images should not be "deleted" by turning on or off .
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That is as designed.

When a thread is demoted from the slider, or the slider is deactivated, which also demotes all slider entries, all slider images are deleted.
When clicking the forum button, I get this:

Server Error
Undefined index: display
I've resolved this.
For some reason the queries related to the last few updates failed.

I have run them manually now and rebuilt the option array and it all seems to be working.

I have re-enabled the blocks on the forum list and forum view.
It has to be something related to the style.

There is a single template modification which adds the content to the forum_view template.
I'm so happy that I've switched from Extra Portal to this solution. Extra Portal was nice, but this one gives you much more possibilities from an editorial point of view. Great!

Thanks @Brogan for the nice div's in the code. Makes changes really easy. Some small CSS edits and I managed to have a more blog style look than the standard look: https://www.parkrocker.net/
Hi Brogan, a few issues with latest update.

Firstly, featured threads tab on profile page,


If I disable the profile tab, the Information tab shows this error instead. Disabling this addon resolves this issue, I don't want to show featured threads tab.

Secondly, archive page gives a 404 -> http://wweforums.net/threads/featured-archive

Thank you.

Edit: no outdated templates
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