CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Ok... taken onboard what you have just taught me. So I adjusted the cron (automatically feature threads) to run every 5 minutes, based on the above posted settings, to see if would post new threads as stated.

It hasn't... na da. That was based on 3 days. Now I'm trying 72 hours just to test whether one aspect isn't functioning, or the whole thing.

So I posted another thread into a forum highlighted to feature, and just waited for the cron to come round to the next 5 minute interval... again, nothing appears on the homepage resembling a new thread.

This isn't working as intended, it seems.
Automatic featuring, both all threads and criteria based was extensively tested for weeks by several people on multiple installations.
It worked flawlessly.

I wouldn't have released it otherwise.
I never release code I haven't tested and I would never release known buggy code.

Unless a recent XenForo update has caused something to break, it should still be working.

I will do some testing locally.
I'm not saying you would, or do... but I think this is broken compared to prior testing, is what I'm saying. Or scarier again... something on my site is breaking it.
I have completely rewritten the logic for automatic featuring of all threads.

Threads will now only be automatically featured if they are approved, undeleted or moved into the forum (and are visible and approved).

Changing the sticky or locked status of a thread, editing the title, or applying a prefix, won't change its feature status - threads which are featured will remain featured, threads which aren't featured will not be featured.

Merging threads which aren't featured won't feature them.
Merging threads which are featured will unfeature all threads, apart from the destination thread (if it is featured).

I think that covers all possible scenarios.

I shall look at the criteria based automatic featuring next.
Are you positive these settings work? Honestly?

View attachment 87240

These were the changes I made to automatic featuring, and I just posted a new thread in my social forum... didn't list on the homepage.

I'm now positive your settings aren't working as I have them above, as I changed criteria back to all threads, new threads start showing up on the homepage again.

I have double checked everything and gone through the code and as far as I can tell, it all works as expected.

You have the criteria set up incorrectly as you have likes, views, and replies all set to -1, which is ignore.
So you are ignoring all threads.
As the update stated: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/cta-featured-threads-portal.2599/update?update=10856
It is also possible to ignore the likes, replies, and views by entering -1.
This is particularly important if you use the Exclusive option because if you set it to 10 likes, 100 replies and leave views at 0, it will naturally feature all threads, as all of them will match the views criteria.

You simply need to set one of those values to 0 or greater, e.g. Views.
Ah ha... thanks for that. I was wondering whether everything else was based on one of those three. Makes sense.

I will wait for your above update to roll out then, as that should fix the issue with threads being edited and not rolling onto the homepage as current threads when all threads are selected.

Love your work on this Brogan... refining to efficiency.
you may want to consider changing this phrase: "Display avatar/icon right" To this:
"Display avatar/icon right (left on RTL)"
On a different note, is it possible to solve/limit the characters for the preview in the front page? sometimes if it's too long, it's cut-off in mobiles and I don't really know when it happens, so I play with the text until it's aligned to how I want it to look like (meaning no data is hidden or sentences are suddenly broken ).
This is the full text:

The oldest classical Greek and Latin writing had little or no spaces between words or other ones, and could be written in boustrophedon (alternating directions). Over time, text direction (left to right) became standardized, and word dividers and terminal punctuation became common. The first way to divide sentences into groups was the original paragraphos, similar to an underscore at the beginning of the new group.[3] The Greek paragraphos evolved into the pilcrow (¶), which in English manuscripts in the Middle Ages can be seen inserted inline between sentences. The hedera leaf (e.g. ☙) has also been used in the same way


On iPhone:

As you can see, on iPhone the sentence ends with:
"(left to right)"
and on desktop it ends with
"way to divide"

longer than iPhone, so sometimes the description on iPhone is cut-off in terms of its meaning, while on Desktop it makes sense (my very long description above was for demonstration only, I don't write that long descriptions usually).

So I was thinking maybe to include some sort of character counter for the description, so it would match mobiles as well as desktops (if it's even possible)?
If you have a fixed height set for the blocks, that will happen.

You can either set the height to be fluid, as it is on the page, or use media queries to change the CSS from fixed to fluid depending on the browser viewport width.

If you check my site, you can see that all of the text is displayed on the home page, no matter the size of the browser: http://cliptheapex.com/

Whereas the blocks on the forum pages are fixed in height, so less text is displayed on narrrower widths: http://cliptheapex.com/forums/

You can make the blocks behave the same as the page by changing the SPs.
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