CTA Featured Threads & Portal

CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid] 2.17.0

No permission to buy (£40.00)
Hi Brogan,

A customer asked me to copy the same layout of your addon used on this forum:

Could you please let me know how to get a similar layout? I tried but I couldn't place the title and post at the right of the avatar

I can send you the forum url of this customer (that bought your licence, so you can verify it).

I know who the customer is.

I'm not sure what it is you're asking though - the default layout has the avatar/icon on the left with the title and content floated next to it.

The site you have linked to has just styled the title and content and applied background images.
Please can someone help me achieve this look on the homepage currently my home looks like this in the image link below.

I am trying to make it look like https://www.aspiescentral.com/ homepage picture in link below.

I have circled the area im talking about that i wish to change. https://www.aspiescentral.com/ set up is neat and slim with the picture to the left and is alot smaller.

any help would be great thank you.


  • gamtechomepage.webp
    63.1 KB · Views: 16
  • homepage.webp
    96.8 KB · Views: 15
hi folks,

we're trying to deleted the translucent bars that are the backdrop for the thread titles and such....one bit of code looks like this

.cta_featuredthreads_featured .ctaFtThreadTextAvatarPage {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 url(rgba.php?r=255&g=255&b=255&a=165);
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65);
_filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#A5FFFFFF,endColorstr=#A5FFFFFF);
-webkit-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
-khtml-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
padding: 5px;
color: #000000;
font-weight: bold;

can't we just comment out the two background lines using #'s at the beginning of each line?

i was able to do it by commenting out both lines with a /* before the first one and */ at the end of the second for each of the groups that control the translucent bars.
Everything is controlled via Style Properties.

The default gradient images are here:

and here:

What you have posted is non standard CSS though so it is either from your custom style or due to a change which has been made.
Installed and it looks great. One issue though... if I set the featured page as the home page and add the home button the "new posts" add on doesn't work. It works otherwise but not if I add the home tab for the featured page.
One thing I noticed is that when I feature a thread and then I make modifications to that thread when I feature it. None of those changes happen to the original post. Is this normal?
The original post content is separate from the featured thread content.

This is as designed as it allows you complete editorial control over the featured thread, without affecting the original post.
Also - the UI.X dark theme had a cool home icon instead of the word "home" that goes away when I set the Featured Threads as the homepage. Any idea how to get it back?

Another question - and maybe it's because I'm not sure 100% what a slider is - but how do I make the slider show up?

Another question would be how to I make a certain featured block show up on a page. For example:


On this page I don't see a featured thread block but I thought I should as I see one here: (which is a forum within that page)


Sorry for all the questions. The add on is super awesome. I hope my users like it too.
Also - the UI.X dark theme had a cool home icon instead of the word "home" that goes away when I set the Featured Threads as the homepage. Any idea how to get it back?
I don't use that style. Perhaps @Mike Creuzer can offer some advice.

Another question - and maybe it's because I'm not sure 100% what a slider is - but how do I make the slider show up?
This is the slider:

You need to enable it in the options, check the pages you want it to display on in the Style Properties, promote the featured threads to the slider and upload a slider background image for each one.

Another question would be how to I make a certain featured block show up on a page. For example:

Like this:

Ensure the featured thread you want to display is the latest one.
You can do that by updating it and checking this:

On this page I don't see a featured thread block but I thought I should as I see one here: (which is a forum within that page)
Ensure the Options and Style Properties are set accordingly.

Sorry for all the questions. The add on is super awesome. I hope my users like it too.
No worries, glad you like it.
Also - the UI.X dark theme had a cool home icon instead of the word "home" that goes away when I set the Featured Threads as the homepage. Any idea how to get it back?

If you want to send me a PM with a link or create a ticket at my site (audentio.com) Ill see why it isn't showing anymore. But there is a setting under UI.X Navigation called 'Show home as icon' you can see if that is toggled on.
Just to clarify Mike, the Home tab for Featured Threads is different to the default Home tab.
If you want to send me a PM with a link or create a ticket at my site (audentio.com) Ill see why it isn't showing anymore. But there is a setting under UI.X Navigation called 'Show home as icon' you can see if that is toggled on.
The icon was showing before I made the changes with the CTA Featured Threads settings.
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