Convert Image

Convert Image 5.6

No permission to download

I am getting this error.

mkdir(): No such file or directory

  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError()
  2. mkdir() in Andy/ConvertImageAll/ControllerPublic/ConvertImageAll.php at line 441
  3. Andy_ConvertImageAll_ControllerPublic_ConvertImageAll->actionUpdate() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 351
  4. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
  5. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /var/www/ at line 13
touch(): Unable to create file home/pokemong/public_html/forumimages/convert_1463626856 because No such file or directory
No the Addon need a Temporary Image Directory.
You define this in the options. And this folder need to be 777.
No the Addon need a Temporary Image Directory.
You define this in the options. And this folder need to be 777.

which file need to be 777? Im php stupid so .. i need literal guides somthing you might think is easy to get is not for me when it comes to php stuff
Has nothing to do with php.

I assume you know how to do this things.

You create a directory somewhere under your forum directory or anything else on your filesystem. (mkdir)
You can call it convert or temp or tmp or whatever you want.
This directory you must give the 777 rights. (chmod)

And in option of this addon you have to provide the path to this directory.

Has nothing to do with php.

I assume you know how to do this things.

You create a directory somewhere under your forum directory or anything else on your filesystem. (mkdir)
You can call it convert or temp or tmp or whatever you want.
This directory you must give the 777 rights. (chmod)

And in option of this addon you have to provide the path to this directory.

View attachment 137848

what i did was in the root "public_html" i created a file calld "forumimages" cause thats where i want to put it

can you give me the exact url i should put in the box please?
First is not a file it is a directory.
Second the permission is 755. Need to be 777.
Third it is only a temporary directory to work with the converter. All files in there can be deleted from time to time.
The original attachments goes into the file system of xenforo. (internal_data/attachment) If you don't change this location in your config.php.

For the path i can say only what i see.
Don't know if home is in your root of the server.


The path have to start from root of your server.
First is not a file it is a directory.
Second the permission is 755. Need to be 777.
Third it is only a temporary directory to work with the converter. All files in there can be deleted from time to time.
The original attachments goes into the file system of xenforo. (internal_data/attachment) If you don't change this location in your config.php.

For the path i can say only what i see.
Don't know if home is in your root of the server.


The path have to start from root of your server.
wait so what do i 777?
I don't use this colorful click panel so I don't know how you change the permission there.

This you must figure out by yourself.
I don't use this colorful click panel so I don't know how you change the permission there.

This you must figure out by yourself.
All you do is right click on the folder you want to change th perms.. but what im asking is what do I change to 777? The "forumimages" folder thats it?
So mine is doing everything "correct" as in it is converting any image and then attaching it.

The only problem is that it is making this for every single picture no matter what the host.


This is the line from the log for that specific picture before it was converted.

08/12/16 05:38pm / Post 33062 /

All of the lines are like that just say which post they attach it to and the URL of the picture.

I know that imagick is working for the forum, all my gif avatars are working like a champ. I have no other addons installed that do anything to images.

EDIT: I am leaving the rest of the post up there to show what happens when you don't really pay attention and forget to do all the settings. I did not have the maximum attachment dimensions set for the image. @AndyB went above and beyond and logged in and gave me a hand in finding out that this was the issue the whole time.
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Thinking of using this... :)

Just one question.

If I don't want images to be resized/compressed during the process of downloading remote images, I can just increase this XF setting to a high amount? e.g. 5000x5000

Edit: @AndyB confirmed to me this is the case.
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I cant use it. What can i do to find the problem?
- convert is in usr/bin (tested by console)
- the tmp dir is writeable and set correct
- the option redirect is tested with and without check
- the exec should be ok, because i have own scripts using exec and image Magick to manipulate pictures at this server and this web.

Everything ok, it seems i misunderstood the function of the addon.
I thought it will work also, when i (as admin) edit a post.
A lot of pictures from somewhere else i dont want to have in the board, but some of them i would like to have. So i would need a function that only takes the extern pictures to attachments, when i want to have them.
So i will disable it and use it only when i need it, clicking the pictures while edit and save will do the trick.
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