Convert Image

Convert Image 5.6

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
  4. 1.5

The Convert Image add-on will convert hot linked images in messages to attachments. Hot linked images are those images that have been inserted using the Image icon in the editor toolbar.
Note: In addition to this add-on, please be sure to install the Convert Image All add-on located here:

The Convert Image All add-on will convert all hot linked images on your forum. It is also very useful to use every few months to verify all images have been properly converted to attachments.

(Example of hot linked image)


(Example of attachment)


  • Linked images are immediately converted after message is saved.
  • Images resizing is done with ImageMagick for best quality.
  • Images resized to maximum width and height settings in Admin Control Panel.
  • Setting for inserting full-size or thumbnail attachments.
  • Setting for temporary image path.
  • Setting for optional log file.
  • Links surrounding attachments automatically removed.

Must have ImageMagick PECL Extension installed on your server. Check if you can select this:

Admin Control Panel -> Options -> Attachments -> Default Image Processor -> ImageMagick PECL Extension

If you're not able to select ImageMagick PECL Extension, contact your web host and ask them to install it.

XenForo Control Panel Requirements:

This add-on requires a restricted Maximum Attachment Image Dimensions setting. You cannot use 0 or blank as an option. I suggest using 1600 x 1600.


Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> Attachments

Options page:


  1. Download and unzip it.
  2. Upload the Andy folder to your server. The correct location will be library/Andy.
  3. From your Admin Control Panel, go to the "Install Add-on" page.
  4. Upload the addon-ConvertImage_v5.6.xml file.
  5. Click the Install Add-on button.
Question and Answers:

Q: Some hot linked image are not converted, why is this?​
A: If a hot linked image is either too small or too large, or the dimensions are not able to be read, those images are not converted and will require manual conversion.​
Q: Why isn't GD supported?​
A: GD does a terrible job of creating large images.​
Q: Can files in the /tmp/ directory be deleted?​
A: Yes.​
Q: Are attachments reused, meaning if the same attachment is located in several posts does each one use up disk space?​
A: Each attachment is saved separately, however this is not a problem these days as disk space is so inexpensive.​
Q: I'm getting a server error when trying to convert an animated gif.​
A: Increase the PHP max_execution_time. you need at least 90 seconds.​
Q: Should I disable Image Proxy?​
A: You can disable Image Proxy once you have converted all hot linked images using the Convert Image All add-on located here:​
Sending a donation:

If you like this add-on, please consider sending a small donation.

Thank you.
First release
Last update


4.83 star(s) 18 ratings

More resources from AndyB

Latest updates

  1. See description

    Convert Image v5.6 changes: Fixed problem dealing with attach_count. If the attach_count is...
  2. See description

    Convert Image v5.5 changes: Updated PHP code. Fixed issue with the delete temporary files function.
  3. See description

    Convert Image v5.4 changes: Added option to automatically delete temporary image files.

Latest reviews

Andy rocks. That being said, this is one of the most important resources for your xenForo forums. This is long term thinking here. There is nothing worse than reading forums with broken images. This plugin solves that. Thanks Andy.
Superb addon. What to say about Andy and his addons which is not said before. Excellent service and superb support. Thanks Andy!
Excellent add-on to convert hot linked images in messages to attachments. Saves your forum from having dead links in the long run once those images hosting sites is no longer available. Awesome job as always AndyB!
I had serious reservations about using this addon without usergroup permissions to allow some members to opt out. In the end, I found myself persuaded that the simpler solution is the best one. Wish I had done so sooner. I don't want any other features. Another fantastic addon by AndyB. Donation incoming. Thanks, Andy!
Very effective tool to host images locally as soon as the author of a topics saves his topic. One note: at this moment the tool can timeout when a topic has a lot of images in it.
Almost a decade ago I realized how important it was to host images on your own website, rather than rely on other websites to maintain their images that were referenced in posts on your forum. After just a year or two, you will find many referenced images have either been moved to an updated URL, or completely re-moved from a website.

When that happens, some of your best threads can become absolutely worthless overnight without pictures. Especially if they are DIY type threads, attempting to explain something with the aid pictures.

Don't rely on anyone else, save the integrity of your threads before other websites remove images. It's an add-on, that you will absolutely thank yourself (again and again) for installing!

Absolutely love this plugin! Something like this is a must for any serious web forum. This functionality should be built into the XenForo core (with credit to Andy of course)!
We have a very old forum (15+ years) where the history and the past are very important. With this ESSENCIAL resource we can mantain not only the messages but also the images from the topics. The images are the first thing to get lost, so we're very very satisfied with the addon (and his brother, the Convert All)
i would have gave it a five stars if this addon also works with xenforo resource manager too. anyway its really a great addon :D. i hope this feature will be available in it very soon :)
Another excellent addon made by Andy. The forum we run is very very old and a lot of topics are useless without the pictures. With this addon the forum history remains ok!
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