XF 2.2 Color input text for tags

Old Nick

Well-known member

I made a dark style and i can't resolve a little problem : when i write text to add tags to a thread the text is in black during i write it, after the tag is validated the color change to grey, the normal colour. Where can i change the color text during the writing ? Thanks :)

Capture d’écran 2020-11-03 220630.png
@Giulio77 Someone must have modified your style somewhere to inject that other color for .select2-search__field.
Try that trick with the default style and see if it works.
Then you will have to locate the template that was modified in your custom style.
@Giulio77 Someone must have modified your style somewhere to inject that other color for .select2-search__field.
Try that trick with the default style and see if it works.
Then you will have to locate the template that was modified in your custom style.
Hello Slion, yes in custom style the trick works... the problem in in the custom style. I found the corresponding RGB color in the style pages and corrected for there ... thank you !!!
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