Fixed Field-adder not working with color input

Lukas W.

Well-known member
Affected version
The field adder script does not grip on a color input field, when you use the graphical color picker instead of the textbox to input your color.
That might not be so straightforward to do.

If the field adder emits any events when cloning the input you may have to bind to those to add custom code to initialise the handler.

If not then I guess we do at least need to look at triggering an even there.
My main problem at the moment is, that the color picker is never cloned to begin with, although you're probably right, that even when it would be cloned, it would probably not be initialized. Anyhow, as said, it's not even cloned to begin with.

As far as I can see, the FieldAdder is listening for the change event on the color picker input element. I can't tell why, but apparently the color picker itself doesn't trigger this event when changing the value of the input field and therefor bypasses the field adder?
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