coffee enema

My coffee enemas have made it clear that I am not digesting almonds very well. It is interesting that I only saw this with an enema, as if they had accumulated and were stuck. No more nuts for me.

Jake, I'm curious about something that's lead you into all this. Have you been having pain by chance after eating certain food types at times? More specifically, it tends to starts hours after eating it and your body will usually vomit to get rid of what you eat.
Jake, I'm curious about something that's lead you into all this. Have you been having pain by chance after eating certain food types at times? More specifically, it tends to starts hours after eating it and your body will usually vomit to get rid of what you eat.

Nothing like that. I get bloating sometimes but that's it.

I am trying to improve my overall health. Diet and digestion has been a big part of that.
Coffee enemas can cause numerous side effects, including infections, severe electrolyte imbalance, colitis, polymicrobial enteric septicemia and heart failure.[4][6][7][8][9][10] If the coffee is inserted too quickly or is too hot, it could cause internal burning[11] or rectal perforation.[12] The use of coffee enemas has led to several deaths as a result of severe electrolyte imbalance.[8]

Damn it Jake, if you are so much worried about your health, exercise regularly and avoid junk food, alcohol etc...
Coffee enemas can cause numerous side effects, including infections, severe electrolyte imbalance, colitis, polymicrobial enteric septicemia and heart failure.[4][6][7][8][9][10] If the coffee is inserted too quickly or is too hot, it could cause internal burning[11] or rectal perforation.[12] The use of coffee enemas has led to several deaths as a result of severe electrolyte imbalance.[8]

Damn it Jake, if you are so much worried about your health, exercise regularly and avoid junk food, alcohol etc...

That doesn't sound good.
Just out of curiosity Jake what was your diet before the change? What I mean by this is before you started the raw egg diet also.

This to me sounds extreme and I'm guessing the health problems you are having have persisted for quite a while. I've been reading around and the side affects really do outweigh the positives you hope to achieve. On the offchance you fix one problem you add many others though I'm no doctor and just going by what I've read.

Do you exercise as a substitute to your changed diet/experimentation? before the change was your alcohol intake above average if you were a drinker? I know these are kind of personal questions which i understand your not obliged to respond to which I understand, I'm just trying to understand the extremeness in what your doing through experimentation and going on the assumption it's meant to be good for the liver.

If it's doing you good and your feeling all the better I think this is great. Have you noticed any side affects? Are you concerned about the long term potential hazards?

With that all said and asked whatever method you do to get healthier I hope it works and your not damaging your body (even though your not seeing the long term affects).
Don't think it was related to anykind of health problems he's had. I pretty much asked the same question and this was his reply posted above.

Nothing like that. I get bloating sometimes but that's it.

I am trying to improve my overall health. Diet and digestion has been a big part of that.
Don't quite yet what swishing oil around in your mouth does for you? Could understand it, if they said swallow the stuff so it passes through your body and out the other end. But they say don't swallow it.

It reminds me also when your grandparents used to say take one teaspoon full of cod-liver oil each day, but you swallowed that. In fact you can buy cod-liver oil capsules to take still today.
On one site someone wrote that they looked at the oil afterwards with a microscope and it had all sorts of nasty bacteria swimming around in it. I have no idea if any of the claims are valid or not.
Have you tried oil pulling? Supposed to be good for whatever ails you.

Yes I have. I didn't notice any benefit so I stopped.

Damn it Jake, if you are so much worried about your health, exercise regularly and avoid junk food, alcohol etc...

I already do all of that. I am one of the healthiest people you will ever know. I have never had drugs, including alcohol. I don't drink soda or coffee. I eat healthy and exercise regularly. This latest stuff I am trying is above and beyond my already healthy lifestyle.

Just out of curiosity Jake what was your diet before the change? What I mean by this is before you started the raw egg diet also.

This to me sounds extreme and I'm guessing the health problems you are having have persisted for quite a while.

Granola, cooked eggs, the occasional hamburger.

My main health problem is severe tendon pain and weakness ever since I took an antibiotic 3 years ago. That is what started my decline. It's like my body is deteriorating no matter how much exercise I get, and this condition severely limits the exercise that I can do which affects my overall health. Doctors did this to me, and they don't know how to fix it, so I am trying to treat myself. That means exploring alternative therapies. I try lots of things, but I have only posted about a few. Here is a list off the top:

- supplements, supplements, supplements
- diet, diet, diet
- exercise
- yoga
- phys therapy
- cold laser
- ultrasound therapy
- enemas
- IV therapy (vitamins, glutathione, hydrogen peroxide)
- chiropractic
- massage
- energy healing
- oil pulling
- epsom / vinegar baths
- ice
- heat
- electrotherapy
- hyperbaric oxygen therapy
- various detox regimens

The tendon stuff has improved but something is still wrong so I continue to look for the underlying cause. Most recently I am operating under the premise that there is some kind of systemic infection that is depressing my body. I am virtually certain that I have candida overgrowth which is a classic side effect of antibiotics which can get out of control and cause a wide variety of health problems (basically a yeast infection of the body). The symptoms are very telling, like skin rashes breaking out when I eat sugars. So I am focusing on eliminating sugars and processed stuff, cleansing / balancing my digestive system, and boosting my immune system. The hydrogen peroxide IV is supposed to be very effective at eliminating candida, and I just started that this week.

So there, you nosey buggers. Now back to coffee enemas. :p

I did enemas for 3 days but stopped yesterday so I can compare how I feel both on and off enemas.
On one site someone wrote that they looked at the oil afterwards with a microscope and it had all sorts of nasty bacteria swimming around in it. I have no idea if any of the claims are valid or not.

Oil pulling makes your mouth and gums feel very clean, if nothing else. It wouldn't surprise me if the oil was full of crud afterwords. It certainly feels like it removes a lot of stuff from your mouth. Feels very clean, like I said.
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