CODForums moves to xenForo!

I am not sure that folks were picking on him (at least not initially...though, maybe, some of that crept in after responses to folks input). But, I am guessing, no matter what he will "do his thang."((I am not a licensed psychic, but, for a small fee (as determined by me), I will tell you anything you want to hear)).
I didn't read your post yet so I wasn't responding to you. Just posting a thought that made me chuckle.
How so? You dont think I am a forum admin? Perhaps have a look at the section where you have posted your site, voluntarily might i add.

Dont want feedback, simply get the thread removed. Next time i suggest you read what the forum is about before posting your site on there.

So you actually think the more you spend, the better your returns will be? I and presumably most people on here couldnt care less how much you spent on the site. It definitely looks nothing like a $2000 website. And since you asked me, yes, i have done better than you. My site has been operational for just over a year and has:
- 1098 members
- 97612 posts
- 13938 discussions
= 88 average posts per member.
= over 200 popsts per day

Keep in mind we do not allow 'low value' posts such as 'lol that was funny' etc.

I have only had just over 500k visits and 110k unique visitors, but thats ok as we are a sports team website based in NZ, playing a minority sport (rugby league). Primarily all our visits are from NZ and Australia. Want to know why there is such a large participation? Well first of all, our site works, and looks active. My site has sponsorship from urbanwear clothing companies, a sports cap company, even our VPS hosting is free due to the success we have had in just over a year.

And do you know how much i spent? Between $500-600 so far. Quite surprising you are happy to fork out 2k for god knows what, yet struggling to pay $40 to upgrade.

Unique visitors means jack **** if you are not converting them. Still dont know why you are not converting them? Justifying the success of a website because you have spent a lot of money on it is a void argument.

So before you question others, stop having a superiority complex, getting defensive, and accept constructive criticism (which my first post certainly was).

I personally want all xenforo forums to succeed, and that was the purpose of my initial post. I am glad you have been able to resolve a few of the issues since yesterday, just by accepting the code that @Sheldon gave you. How decent of you to not even give thanks for the help that others have given you. If only you werent as stubborn, it could have been fixed many months ago.

Also whilst you are at it, you might want to rethink your forums tag line...
'The fastest growing Call of Duty Forum'.

Like i said good luck to you.

He is making a fair point @Carlos

Forgetting about activity related stuff, at least as a bare minimum soak up the feedback you are getting about your site. It will help make your site better. Simple as that.

I think the point that you should take is that most folks who have taken the time to read your posts and supplied feedback are trying to help you. That is what I would take from the commentary here.

And, I do hope your forums explode into a fantastic venture for you (whether it be financial success, or a good experience otherwise). I think most folks, if they play games, enjoy them, so you have a head start on a community that is ripe for contributing to your site.
@Carlos you create the negativity every time you respond to someones critique about your site. You posted your site for critique and that is what you are getting. I really am confused most times when you make replies to anyone because you are always so defensive even though everyone has politely given you fixes and or great advice. You turn it around to a negative and go on about how you don't do things that way or.. well, hell I don't why you do
Well, well, well, if it isn't "Qwk86gn." You and every one that ever fought with me has never treated me with the same kind of respect that you think I have not done thus far. For every post I make, everyone seems to want to fight with me for a reason or another. I mean, look at tajhay's post - 50% of his post is so negative, that it feels like an attack ...I mean why would someone assume so much and make it seem like my site is less than what I think it is? Why would someone go only so far to make false claims about my site? Why would someone want to hurt me so bad that he wants to pull my site into muddy controversy? This is the same exact question I had with Sheldon. A lot of the critiques that I see on this site don't really have a lot of the negativity that I'm getting. Everyone is cordial to each other, but not to me...?

My site may not be all that active at the moment, but it will be in around two weeks from now. Then into November. Here are examples of CODForums being busy:

CODFs1.webp CODFs2.webp CODFs3.webp CODFs4.webp CODFs5.webp

So, whatever claims he had: Void. Whatever you guys thought: Void.

I'll go even further: MW3Blog was in the top 5 hottest stories on a popular news aggregation site...


MW4Blog did the same, earlier this year....


My next goal is to get the #1 spot, which is that big image.

Any questions? :confused:
I'm sure I'll have some mud coming my way but I just had to say it..Step down from that throne you think your on and listen when people are trying to help you. No one is dragging you into any argument but yourself Carlos. :coffee:
I'm not dragging anyone into any arguement, it's those that try to drag me and my site into muddy roads. And honestly, I'm not sitting on a throne. Whoever gave you that idea needs to stop spreading that rumor.
I have to agree with the input here....listen, the term "critique" encompasses giving feedback (hopefully, constructive feedback- in that it is helpful to make changes that help you, but, not just a flame on you). I think that all the folks here did that, at least initially (though, after back and forth, it may have edged into just criticism).
I can take constructive criticism, but taj's post was not constructive. He made some claims about me and/or my site that were false. The first thing you should never do is make assumptions about a site. Ya know, every time I go into a critique thread, and I don't like the design. I make it known, but with some respect. As a constructive criticism. Taj didn't do that, he threw insults every other sentence just to make his point. Like that whole "I can do better than you," that "I'm better than you" attitude. Fine, you're an admin, taj, but don't rub your stats into my face and make it seem like you can do better than me.

ALL COD sites right now, are slow in the growth department. Hell, I'd just seen not one, not two, not three COD sites close down.
I don't think the point here is to either attack OR just give accolades to sites. Seems like you were hoping that everyone just said, "Your site is great!!"). If that is what you were hoping for, you basically have two choices for your response- ignore, or take what was stated in stride (and make changes- like it sounds like you did- as appropriate).
I'm not looking for those "your site is great!" feedback as in how you'd like to be heard, I'm looking for feedback as in, respectful criticism - constructive feedback, criticism, however you want to call it. Taj didn't do that, he just makes the feedback, then switches to saying "I can do better." And then all those other jabs at me once in a while.
Seems strange to me that the tenor of a lot of folks posting was to help you improve (in the view of the responsive posters) and this was taken as an attack on you, your site(s) and your corporate empire. I think that you should not take things as an attack, but take comments as objective observations, and incorporate changes if they make sense. Most ventures that do not take input into account (i.e., are not responsive to input or feedback) fail.
You just don't see the little sarcastic little jabs that he made in some sentences - I have seen them. I studied english extensively after people misunderstand me. Hell, it took me 3 semesters to pass a really, really hard english course. THREE.

Now, don't go passing judements about me; I'm not stupid, I'm not a retard, and I'm definitely not an idiot.
But, if you just want positive input, it does sound like you have put a lot of personal effort and desire into your forum. I hope it takes off like you want. I don't play COD, or any of the games really covered on your site (it has been too long, but, I have enjoyed me some Elder Scrolls...but, my free time is far and few between). Maybe I have missed the allure or point of your site. I hope it goes well for you.
How should I make "a lot of personal effort" and "desire" into my forum when I've already done it? Have you even read anything I just said? Do you understand that it takes a lot of time and effort to be able to bring traffic to a site like CODForums? I don't think you do!

Did you know that right now, as of this writing, it's 1:55am in California? Did you know I stayed up until 3 or 4 am in the morning just to work on my sites? Did you know that the evening of me buying CODForums I stayed up until the very next morning!? Did you!? No you didn't.
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How should I make "a lot of personal effort" and "desire" into my forum when I've already done it? Have you even read anything I just said? Do you understand that it takes a lot of time and effort to be able to bring traffic to a site like CODForums? I don't think you do!

Did you know that right now, as of this writing, it's 1:55am in California? Did you know I stayed up until 3 or 4 am in the morning just to work on my sites? Did you know that the evening of me buying CODForums I stayed up until the very next morning!? Did you!? No you didn't.

Yes, I read the entire thread.

Nope, knew none of that (about your local time, how late it is, and the impact of that on you or your is 4:58 am here on the east coast, if that matters). Anyway, not sure any of my points got through to you; therefore, I will leave off with the best of luck to you in achieving all of your desired results. Good luck. I really mean that, I hope you have good luck with all of your sites.
Here are examples of CODForums being busy:

View attachment 58105 View attachment 58106 View attachment 58108 View attachment 58109 View attachment 58110

So, whatever claims he had: Void. Whatever you guys thought: Void.

Which part is the busy part in those screenshots? The fact that 4-6 members (the ones that can actually post on the forums) are online at that moment? Im just trying to understand what you are trying to say, as to me it doesnt make much sense. Having 100,000 members means nothing if they do not visit the website. Having 5m unique hits doesnt mean anything if you have 2 posts per member. As for posting my own forum stats, it was due to your superiority complex remark below. I dont spend much on the forum (its a hobby), nor due i have a lot of influence.

I'm sorry, but your assessment is off. You think I'm going to spend $2,000+ and not give a limey's ar$e about the growth of that network? 170,000 + 98,000 unique visitors combined between CODForums and MW3Blog. 250,000 to 300,000 - that's a lot, man. Can you do that on your own? I don't think so. Not without a lot of money or influence threshold.

BTW im really glad you passed your English course that took, not one, not two, but three whole semesters. Congrats.

I went to sleep at 6am one New Years day, dont ask me which year, i was a little under the influence. I understand your pain bro, people dont just care or choose to remember the days we sleep late or how it affects our forums on these days. How about we pinky swear to become XF buddies from now on. If you ever float CarlosX360 Co., Ltd publically, let me know. I'll be sure to buy a share. I believe in you.

P.S i was going to tell you about how to fix up your footer issue
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/carlosx3/public_html/ on line 22 and defined in /home/carlosx3/public_html/ on line 992
but considering the last article there is over a year old on there, im sure you will survive without fixing that up.
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If this is a critique about, what does a post from MW3blog on NG4 have anything to do with it? How does that relate to activity at CODForums?

Also, Carlos, please quit dropping my name in every single post. I made a simple suggestion to you about your navigation and footer. That's all.
Nope, knew none of that (about your local time, how late it is, and the impact of that on you or your is 4:58 am here on the east coast, if that matters).
The point is: It shows how much passion I have for my sites succeeding. Every time I see people saying "the owner doesn't care." I feel bad. I feel sad. :( I originally bought this site because I see too many COD sites with forums in it that are usually full of trolling, fighting, arguments, and whatnot. I wanted a friendly Call of Duty Community. I wanted to have a place for Call of Duty fans where they could post their thoughts without being attacked, or trolled into a corner.
Anyway, not sure any of my points got through to you; therefore, I will leave off with the best of luck to you in achieving all of your desired results. Good luck. I really mean that, I hope you have good luck with all of your sites.
Thanks for your wishes.
Which part is the busy part in those screenshots? The fact that 4-6 members (the ones that can actually post on the forums) are online at that moment? Im just trying to understand what you are trying to say, as to me it doesnt make much sense.
People complain I don't have enough activity on the forums - those images prove you and them wrong. Those are real posters, too.
Having 100,000 members means nothing if they do not visit the website. Having 5m unique hits doesnt mean anything if you have 2 posts per member. As for posting my own forum stats, it was due to your superiority complex remark below. I dont spend much on the forum (its a hobby), nor due i have a lot of influence.
What? 5m unique visitors mean nothing to you? :eek: *rubs face* I'm having a hard time - understanding that logic. That means money. It would be impossible to get 100,000 members without a lot of marketing dollars spent on the site or without a heavy keyword.
BTW im really glad you passed your English course that took, not one, not two, but three whole semesters. Congrats.
Yeah. :cautious:
I went to sleep at 6am one New Years day, dont ask me which year, i was a little under the influence. I understand your pain bro, people dont just care or choose to remember the days we sleep late or how it affects our forums on these days. How about we pinky swear to become XF buddies from now on. If you ever float CarlosX360 Co., Ltd publically, let me know. I'll be sure to buy a share. I believe in you.
Your sarcasm is shining so bright, I can't ignore it. But I'm going to step back, cool off because if you said that to my face and I saw your facial expression to along with that comment - you have no idea how angry I would be. I'll take it on stride and chill, tho.
If this is a critique about, what does a post from MW3blog on NG4 have anything to do with it? How does that relate to activity at CODForums?
Now, you see what I mean, everyone? He just posted that - and he doesn't even realizes the point of it all!

Let me explain it to you in layman terms, Sheldon: N4G is like facebook for gamers. Your site can get an easy 5,000 views in a single day. Your top story will get you an easy 10,000 views. But because MW3Blog/MW4Blog are niche sites [some call them destination sites], they usually translate into new users on a forum if you have one linked. Just like a real network would.
Also, Carlos, please quit dropping my name in every single post. I made a simple suggestion to you about your navigation and footer. That's all.
Yeah, now. Before, you were always negative and dropping "help" at the same time, so that the xenForo staff doesn't penalize you for attacking or insulting me. They ignored every single attack you ever threw at me. I even had a long, long discussion with Ashley because their country is vastly different from here.
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You seem to translate critiques and valid questions as "attacks".

If that is what gets you motivated, so be it. Good luck with your upgrade.
People complain I don't have enough activity on the forums - those images prove you and them wrong. Those are real posters, too.
Ummm what??? 4 members, 30 guests is a screenshot of a BUSY forum?

Now, you see what I mean, everyone? He just posted that - and he doesn't even realizes the point of it all!
Yeah that was pretty sneaky of him. How dare he question you when you try to discuss about a wordpress blog on a question about your Xenforo site on It surely makes no sense why he would personally attack you like that...
OK, that's enough of the bickering and arguing.
Further posts will be removed and as per the rules, everyone involved will be warned.
P.S i was going to tell you about how to fix up your footer issue
Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/carlosx3/public_html/ on line 22 and defined in /home/carlosx3/public_html/ on line 992
but considering the last article there is over a year old on there, im sure you will survive without fixing that up.
That skin is about 5 years old. Wordpress' new algorithm made that argument. I'm not a coder, so I don't really know how to fix it. It's not the only site using the skin. But in the future I will have custom skins.

MW3Blog is an old site, there's nothing to report or talk about MW3 now. The next two years, I will begin to merge that into CODNet and redirect MW3Blog there.
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Hey @Carlos when are you upgrading to Xenforo 1.2 or have you done so already? I was looking at your screen shots when I realized the robots part of Who's Online is missing. I don't know if thats because your still on 1.1 or your style doesn't show it.
Hey @Carlos when are you upgrading to Xenforo 1.2 or have you done so already? I was looking at your screen shots when I realized the robots part of Who's Online is missing. I don't know if thats because your still on 1.1 or your style doesn't show it.
Nope, not on 1.2.x - That's the next thing I'm looking to do. Once I have 25 dollars more, I'll buy the renewal for CODForums.
Take your time. I just ugpraded today. Really looking forward to seeing the impact these no follow links bring on my Google Analytics.
People complain I don't have enough activity on the forums - those images prove you and them wrong. Those are real posters, too.
Ummm what??? 4 members, 30 guests is a screenshot of a BUSY forum?
In fairness, everyone has a different definition of "busy". For some 30 guests on may be busy, for others anything under 2000 would be considered slow.

I'm a marketer, you need to understand that.
I applaud you for sticking with your forum and growing it to what you have, however after this thread I tend to overlook any of your marketing suggestions/posts.
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In fairness, everyone has a different definition of "busy". For some 30 guests on may be busy, for others anything under 2000 would be considered slow.
Yeah, I know. But when you have more than 5 users online, it's "active" to a point, and it's "busy" for the size of community. I've seen similar COD sites get 100 to 1000 users online at once. I don't know how to do that. I don't know their secret.

I wish I have that kind of activity, but I don't know how to do this without any marketing dollars or heavy keyword. But I have a new 2 year plan to get this kind of activity. I will have to launch at least 2 more COD Forums to see how far they can get, and merge them into CODForums.
I applaud you for sticking with your forum and growing it to what you have, however after this thread I tend to overlook any of your marketing suggestions/posts.
Why? The same is true for CODForums. Last year, CODForums/like-minded sites took off on Black Ops 2 launch day - in fact, my server went offline the day after it went on store shelves. It didn't even start on launch day, there was a build up in the days before the launch. You have to time everything right.

Then, it did it again earlier this year when the first details of DLC came out. Boom. Then again in August, the very same day CODGhosts Multiplayer reveal was on. But all of this has to be timed - you need to put in the work before you can get the traffic. You need to be a marketer to understand why timing, positioning (twitter/facebook/google+/google search, and search engines), and persistence is part of your site's growth.

MVC3Forum died off only, and I do mean only because of MVC3. Capcom screwed up everything - and not even the update (Ultimate MVC3) saved the series, or like-minded sites. Metal Gear Fans on the other hand is seeing a lot of growth since that viral (meaning I didn't do anything to get that traffic) article.
1. Content
2. Content
3. Content
Content? I HAVE CONTENT. :mad: This tells me you obviously have not seen a single post at my site.
at least giving off the impression of activity.
I have seen COD sites that have owners that aren't online as often, like you say. For example, I have seen this guy buy a black ops forum, do the same thing. Then again with black ops 2 forum. Then again, with CODGhosts forum. The only difference? CODGhosts is quiet right now.

This guy sold both sites for an upward of $14k to $20k. The best that I've seen is $50k. And that particular owner was not even active as much.
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