Chat by Siropu

Chat by Siropu [Paid] 1.25.1

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Somehow various chat elements are not loaded from CDN and chat seems to ignore imagePath style property and javaScriptUrl.
Each room has its own user list depending on their activity. You can control it using option "Hide users after x minutes of inactivity".
You can enable "Display chat page visitors in chatters list" chat admin option. This will only work with the dedicated chat page.
Any way to have "Database maximum messages display" for non-registered/guests vs registered/logged in members?
I'd like logged in members to see more of the chat history but make the page load faster and use less cpu(especially for mobile) for people not logged in.

Setting above 100 seems to start lagging out mobile clients and above 500 is almost unusable for mobile as each letter takes a couple seconds to show up on the screen.
Maybe an option for mobile vs non-mobile browser settings? Being able to scroll up to the last 500 messages for information is very useful for users on my site as it's a development site.

I have the Giphy command enabled and set in permissions for my users. I am using SSL and have proxy images on. I am getting a box where the image should be. Is there anything else I need to do?

Also, in the help section, it mentions adding modifiers to the roll command, but say when I put in 1d20+5, it ends up screwing up the roll. Anything here?

Thanks for your help.
I was able to change chat archive to show 1000 posts per page by editing:
914:            $results     = $this->_getModel()->getMessages($conditions, array('page' => $data['page'], 'perPage' => 50), true);

Then editing:
915:            $startOffset = ($page - 1) * 50 + 1;
916:            $endOffset   = ($page - 1) * 50 + count($results);
935:                    'perPage'             => 50,
to get it to calculate the proper number of pages.
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