Chat 2 by Siropu

Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.3.5

No permission to buy (€29.99)
If you call the chat widget on a different page and allow users to change the Display mode, you can end up with two chat instances.

EDIT: It won't work as expected of user has set a different pos.

So what you're saying is, there's no way to do what I'm trying to do? lol
How can I set everyone to "Chat page only" for display mode? I have it checked in options but it kept me on All Pages mode, and I assume it did for everyone else too.
Siropu updated Chat 2 by Siropu with a new update entry:

Improvements & Bug Fixes

Added an option to post room announcements which are highlighted messages that you can post in all rooms or in the selected rooms. The message row for announcements can be styled via Chat style properties. This feature is permission based (Chat admin permissions) and it can be accessed from the chat user options menu.

Added an option to choose what to do when users reach the maximum number of rooms allowed to be joined at the same time. You can display a message or leave the last used room...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Thank you for the update! It fixed my bug specifically, so I'm honored :)

I have a question, I have unchecked: "Display activity notifications by the bot" but I added a bot avatar url because I use bot automated messages.

When a user posts a new thread (and I enabled it to post a chat message, too), the avatar now displays the Avatar's image instead of the user's avatar. Is it normal? Maybe a misconfiguration on my end?

I noticed this happened only after setting the bot's avatar url, as I used the feature to post chat messages on new thread creation for ages :p

Thank you :)


For those in a similar solution, a quick workaround is to remove the avatar url from the options of this wonderful add-on, and place this css rule in the siropu .less file:

.siropuChatMessageContentLeft span.avatar.avatar--xxs.avatar--default.avatar--default--text {
    background: url(url_to_the_avatar_here) !important;

This will display the above avatar only to scheduled bot messages, and not new thread chat messages.
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The chat announcement feature is great! I used it last night and inserted an optional bot name, but the announcement still appeared under my username.
My site has been using a shoutbox widget for some time, with our coming upgrade to XF2.1.x I had planned to buy your product, Siropu. Would this chat be considered a more advanced version of your shoutbox, or would you recommend having both?
It would be cool if we could edit new thread notifications in chat - meaning the bot notifications for new threads. When I have to edit a thread title, I like to also edit the title in chat to reflect the change.
Absolutely. Editing the bot messages would be extremely, phenomenally useful. We used to be able to do this in Siropu Chat version 1, but now we don't seem to be able to.

One bot featured random images, but sometimes the images would break, and we'd have to edit the bot's image to get the URL to it (We couldn't right-click copy URL.) to fix it. But now we can no longer do that. Is there some setting that would re-enable staff to edit bot shouts, please?

Yes, we do have "Edit any message" enabled for our usergroups.
Would this chat be considered a more advanced version of your shoutbox, or would you recommend having both?
Chat 2 is a beast in terms of features compared to the Shoutbox so it depends on what you want. If you want rooms, private conversations, forum activity notifications, commands, etc, Chat is the way to go.

Is there some setting that would re-enable staff to edit bot shouts, please?
Please re-download the latest version. Now you should be able to edit any bot message.
Please re-download the latest version. Now you should be able to edit any bot message.
You are too kind! I'll get back to you on that.

Oh! While I have you, I have a question, please:

Is there a way to modify the way the /roll command works so more than 1d6 can be rolled? I have some Clerics whose holy weapons are doing as much damage as a matchstick right now. Goblins are laughing at them. Please help. Heh.
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Oh wow, yes, there it is! We can finally slay those goblins. That'll teach them to steal our lunch money.

Two more questions for now, please?

1) If chat is floating around the forum index, is there a way to vertically reduce the size of the window so it will all fit inside of my browser, so I can see the top of the list and the rooms I'm in as well as the full reply bot at the same time?

2) Is there a way to edit the actual graphics of the "Edit / Report / Thumbs Up / Delete / Quote" icons to the right of any message? Am I able to turn them back into their Xenforo 1 graphics where the edit button is a pencil?

3) How does one view the message edit history?

4) Is there a way to have chat staff or administrators (Or even standard users) see invisible users in chat? People are reporting that they can't see online chatters when they used to be able to.

Seriously, I know you get this a lot, but thank you. You've made so many people happy with this Plugin, and I just don't know how many ways I can express my gratitude.

EDIT: I'm just copying and pasting Siropu's response from two posts ahead of this one so I can compare what I had written to what was said. Don't mind me.
1. Chat style properties > Chat content height
2. Look for fa-commend-edit in siropu_chat_room_message_row template
3. Click on "Edited" link inside the message.
4. Chat admin options > Comply with user privacy settings
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Is it possible to automatically notify a member if a sanction has been put on their account? If not, maybe a suggestion for a future update?
I don't know if this is easy to install or possible at all

2 other suggestions
  • Please make it possible for at least staff members to still see invisible members in the chat. Right now it's really hard to sanction them if it's necessary.
  • Please install a sanction history (per user) / archive so staff can keep easier track of past transgressions for a member.
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