Change Content Owner or Date

Change Content Owner or Date 2.0.15

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Hey there the add on was working fine for months until yesterday. It changes the date fine but when i change the time I get this error. Any ideas? Thanks!

it seems to mostly work fine on 2.3 at my end. haven't faced any issue so far. i guess it does not use jquery so mostly works fine. but yeah, i would wait for dev to confirm.
Ah thats great!! Thank you for that information. Hadn't tested 2.3 yet. Was assuming majority would be broken, but yeah shouldve realised not too much had changed.
Since 2.3 use browser native date picker, selecting a faraway date has become quite annoying 🤖 compared to before lol.
Is this planned to update to 2.3?

it seems to mostly work fine on 2.3 at my end. haven't faced any issue so far. i guess it does not use jquery so mostly works fine. but yeah, i would wait for dev to confirm.
It mostly works just fine except for the front-end because of the time picker.

Edit: It works just fine.
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