Change Content Owner or Date

Change Content Owner or Date 2.0.15

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Well-known member
batpool52! submitted a new resource:

Change Content Owner - Allows content owner to be changed for threads, posts, profile posts, media, albums, and comments.

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@batpool52! Please add functionality can Change date. When change thread Owner can be filter thread/post date.


Sorry what i meant was to edit the resource file where wrong file might be uploaded , this would enable a replacement file to be uploaded instead
Great add-on, Thanks, and works great.

Two suggestions:

- Move "Change post author" to the end of post macros. Always try to leave default button order as it is, and add custom things to the end.
- Allow any author, even if not able to see the post. This is useful if we want to create some thread in private area, then change the author, then move the thread to public forums.
batpool52! updated Change Content Owner with a new update entry:

1.0.0 Alpha 3

  • Moved "Changed album owner" to the bottom under "More options" menu
  • Moved "Changed media author" to the bottom under "More options" menu
  • Moved "Change album owner" to the end of macros
  • Moved "Change comment author" to the end of macros
  • Moved "Change media author" to the end of macros
  • Moved "Change post author" to the end of macros

Read the rest of this update entry...
@Valter Seems fine on my testing board with fresh add-on installation. Could you send me the archive in private conversation which you used for installation?
@Valter I've added archive to the release again. For some reason draft didn't include the archive I attached and I was too lazy to check it on my side.
Yep, installed, and those permissions are not present in usergroup permission for the latest XF version. I also get this error on install.

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