Central Registration System

The fact that we keep bumping this one may show the need for this. The forums are not an island anymore.
I was visiting XenFans yesterday and I saw the AWESOME bar that Floris has on the top that connects to wetalknation.net, and I though "omg, this is convenient"

I was bummed when I clicked on wetalknation and I was NOT logged in. In fact, I left, I didn't want to register again, and even logging in through Facebook is troublesome since it asks me to create an account which I don't want to do ...

I myself have a network of sites, so I understand the reason for this.
If there was an API for the users, it would be easy to Add new user, modify user, search user etc. This would allow anyone with basic php knowledge to extend the system.
Very well thought, but I think it's a bit more complex than that. By adding ONLY an API into the system, user management is still very much decentralized across multiple systems. Essentially, any user management has to be coded across multiple systems so they interact properly.

Case in Point. We have Forum A, Forum B, Forum C, Forum D.

If a user updates on Forum A, we need code to send data for Forum B, C, D
If a user updates on Forum B, we need code to update Forum A, C, D

Essentially there's so much pushing of data unnecessarily and unnecessary code floating around.

If we centralized it at point 0, all the data would be pulled from point 0 regardless if you are using A, B, C, D. This way you have only one set of data, and that data is up to date.

I do agree an API should be added into a central registration system. But definitely not on a that granular of a level.
I have run one single vb license for some time and have tried many different ways to expand my site into geographic regions (needed because the topic of my site has different laws etc per country and if a user gets mixed up they could kill themselves) but I decided to bite the bullet and get Xenforo and will eventually have 8 sites...that's $1,140 worth of licenses compared to just $140 if I stuck to 1 license. That's a pretty good argument for having some "single login" system like IPB...have 2 license now but will hold off to see what happens...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
$140 * 8 = $1120
$140 * 8 = $1120

That is my scenario also, I am done with creating a "one forum to rule them all", and instead I have switched to create smaller, more integrated communities. The problem is I cannot promote them as one network, as the users are not easily shared. Having a "master" forum to which the others could ping for account validation when the user tries to login would certainly seem very helpful.

I understand this feature can mean different things to different people, and can become really complicated really fast, myself, I mentioned some of the challenges the first time I came across the suggestion years ago. For example, handling duplicates for forums that are already running and should be connected, and the amount of information that should be shared (would I have two profile pages with visitor/profile comments, or just one? If someone starts a personal conversation with me, should I be notified in all the network?, If I change an avatar, shouldn't it be changed everywere?)

Dealing with latency and external dependencies could also be a nightmare.

I would strongly suggest having some core functionality in place, after all, we just want a single sign on ... and that should be fast to implement. And promoting it as a simple way to share logins but that's all it does.
Great idea, if they did want to postpond the time to do this and a few more feautures, i would defo wait, we brought the licence and we dont mind waiting as long as its stable in the end, Unlike VB releasing a rubbish vb4.
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