
Calendar 6.1

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here is the German translation of the holidays the .php can simply prepared
the file is here:
/ library / Andy / Calendar / Controller Public


// holiday functions
// 0 = sunday
// 1 = monday
// 2 = tuesday
// 3 = wednesday
// 4 = thursday
// 5 = friday
// 6 = saturday

function holiday_name($y, $m, $d)
    if ($m == 1 && $d == 1)    // jan 1
    return "Neujahr";
    if ($m == 1 && $d == 6)    // jan 6
    return "Heilige 3 K&ouml;nige (BW, BY, ST)";
    if ($m == 2 && $d == 4) // feb 4
    return "Weiberfastnacht";
    if ($m == 2 && $d == 8) // feb 8
    return "Rosenmontag";
    if ($m == 2 && $d == 10) // feb 10
    return "Aschermittwoch";

    if ($m == 2 && $d == 14) // feb 14
    return "Valentinstag";
    if ($m == 3 && $d == 25) // mar 25
    return "Karfreitag";
    if ($m == 3 && $d == 27) // mar 27
    return "Ostersonntag";
    if ($m == 3 && $d == 28) // mar 28
    return "Ostermontag";
    if ($m == 5 && $d == 1) // may 1
    return "Tag der Arbeit";
    if ($m == 5 && match_day($y, $m, $d, 0, 2)) // 2nd sun in may
    return "Muttertag";
    if ($m == 5 && $d == 5) // may 5
    return "Christi Himmelfahrt";
    if ($m == 5 && $d == 15) // may 15
    return "Pfingstsonntag";
    if ($m == 5 && $d == 16) // may 16
    return "Pfingstmontag";
    if ($m == 5 && $d == 26) // may 26
    return "Fronleichnam(BW,BY,HE,NW,RP,SL)";
    if ($m == 8 && $d == 15) // aug 15
    return "Mari&auml; Himmelfahrt (BY,SL)";
    if ($m == 10 && $d == 3) // oct 3
    return "Tag der deutschen Einheit";
    if ($m == 10 && $d == 31) // oct 31
    return "Reformationstag (BB,MV,SN,ST,TH)";
    if ($m == 11 && $d == 1) // nov 1
    return "Allerheiligen (BW,BY,NW,RP,SL)";
    if ($m == 11 && $d == 16) // nov 16
    return "Bu&szlig; und Bettag (SN)";
    if ($m == 11 && $d == 27) // nov 27
    return "1. Advent";
    if ($m == 12 && $d == 6) // dec 6
    return "Nikolaustag, 1. Advent";
    if ($m == 12 && $d == 4) // dec 4
    return "2. Advent";
    if ($m == 12 && $d == 11) // dec 11
    return "3. Advent";
    if ($m == 12 && $d == 18) // dec 18
    return "4. Advent";
    if ($m == 12 && $d == 24) // dec 24
    return "Heiligabend";
    if ($m == 12 && $d == 25) // dec 25
    return "1. Weihnachtsfeiertag";
    if ($m == 12 && $d == 26) // dec 26
    return "2. Weihnachtsfeiertag";

    // return empty if no match for holiday

function match_day($year, $month, $day, $day_of_week, $week='')
    if (!$week || ($week == ''))
        $lastday = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
        $temp = (date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $lastday, $year)) - $day_of_week) % 7;
        $temp = ($day_of_week - date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year))) % 7;

    if ($temp < 0)
        $temp += 7;

    if (!$week || ($week == ''))
        $target_day = $lastday - $temp;
        $target_day = (7 * $week) - 6 + $temp;

    return ($day == $target_day);

Greetings Joachim

Guys I have problem.. ->The files associated with this add-on could not be found. Please upload them and try again.

What can I do with that?
AndyB updated Calendar with a new update entry:

See description.

Calendar v2.7 changes:

1) Added an option to Export calendar entries to a personal calendar.

To upgrade from v2.6, copy the Calendar folder to your server and use the upgrade button in your Admin CP. The follow the instructions in the Overview (Setup:) to copy the vcalendar.php file to the correct location on your server.

Read the rest of this update entry...

Was this dropped in newer versions?
creating calendar events from threads is great, i really like that (y)

but very important to me are yearly recurring entries, similar to birthdays. at the moment i can only add events multiple times for example 2016, 2017 manually. can't there be a simple setting to repeat it every year on the same date?

it seems at the moment no xenforo addon has this feature, which was a standard in the build in vbulletin calendar.
Does this integrate with the Resource Manager by any chance?

Like if someone posted a Resource that has date associated with it, could this addon work to add it to the calendar?


Thank you for the great addon. I am aware that this is my style. However, could I control them with the templates made by the addon? I think I may be overlooking something or in wrong area.
Thread Tools > Calendar Add MISSING ??

Not sure what the issue is...I have my Admin permissions set correctly (allow/allow/allow) and yet, the Thread Tools > Calendar Add option isn't present...

ideas on where to start?
Thank you for the assistance today @AndyB !!

Two suggestions:

1> next month/previous month navigation buttons

2> ability to assign an "owner" to the event. In my case, only select usergroups will have the option to add events to the calendar, but it makes no sense for me (admin) to be the "owner"...would make more sense to assign to a specific user (logical is the thread starter)

3> there is nothing preventing me from adding something twice

4> selecting a date range only puts Day 1 on the calendar, instead of showing the event covering multiple days.

First, thanks for a great add-on. I've been using it on my forum for a few weeks now and it works great. There's just one thing.... the calendar does not fully display on mobile screens. Is there a way to fix this by changing a setting or editting some code? I know it's been addressed a few times on here like in the quoted post below, but I thought I'd give it a go :-) Thanks!

This looks great.

But not so good on smaller mobiles. I understand that a table is not going to fully responsive but I think this would be fixed by using day abbreviations, ie Wed instead of Wednesday (phrase = day_wednesday_short )

Am I missing something very obvious as I can't find that option in Options or any of the addon templates?
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