Better Blogs [Deleted]

I'm having trouble,

I have setup the permissions - I think properly. But only as admin can I see blogs and posts listed in /xfa-blog-home ...It's empty if I visit the page as a regular user or as a guest. Am I missing a permission somewhere?

I'm having trouble,

I have setup the permissions - I think properly. But only as admin can I see blogs and posts listed in /xfa-blog-home ...It's empty if I visit the page as a regular user or as a guest. Am I missing a permission somewhere?

Well, the blogs have individual permissions, they can be set completely private. Same for the entries.

Go to user, Privacy Options, and see if it is set to "members only" or unchecked (only the user would be able to see the blog)

And there is also a permission for privacy on an individual entry level.
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