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Avatar Gallery 0.1b

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I installed the addon, but nowhere to find the avatars. Do I need to upload avatar gallery? If yes, where?I already uploaded this in the root, root>library>_upload folder. Help please!
I installed it, but could't find the the avatars when trying to change one. Do you need to upload the avatar gallery, on what folder?

AdminCP > Options > Avatar Gallery > Avatar Gallery Path

Just change the Gallery Path to wherever you put the avatars on your server, I put them in /data/avatars/mp, & click the enable button.
it's not going to change. It's exactly as Nataan previously stated
That's your hosts fault for being mis-configured. Either have them configure the 'tmp' directory for php or have them make the global tmp directory writable.
You need to contact your host and tell them you're having an open base dir read/write issue. Or do you own your own server?

As for the removal of the upload area you can hide it.
Go to Extra.css in your templates
.AvatarEditor .avatarOption { display: none !important;}
.avatarGallery {display: block !important;}
Note that the author mentioned it was "open source" in his posting of it here. I assume this means another developer can fix or update it as long as they don't sell it?
Note that the author mentioned it was "open source" in his posting of it here. I assume this means another developer can fix or update it as long as they don't sell it?

Actually with the license I used anyone is allowed to fork it and sell their own copies (provided the license is included). Of course you'd need to make significant changes for anyone to bother paying when there is an open-source version available.
Just a note in case anyone comes across this issue: This addon will not work if your Home->Options->Basic Board Information->Board URL does not have the "http://" included. I had previously just had "" (because I didn't want to tie myself down to http vs. https); however, the avatar selection window does not properly find the correct URL unless this is set to ""

I'm not sure if there is a way to adjust the addon to work either way or not.
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