Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ?

I just made that exact observation in another of these threads.

Was it Mark Twain who said 'It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt?' It seems oddly relevant to these threads somehow 🤔
Not the first time:
Not the first time:
But you spend most of the time laugh reacting.
Then you criticise those that work here.
C'mon mate be better
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Since everybody is screaming for 2.3 there seems to be no progress on a much needed 2.2.13 bugfix update (there a lot of bugs, the last update was 2022), is there a way to beta test the 2.2.13 update or get early access? Otherwise I would have to pay a developer to fix all the bugs myself or move on to IPB.
Since everybody is screaming for 2.3 there seems to be no progress on a much needed 2.2.13 bugfix update (there a lot of bugs, the last update was 2022), is there a way to beta test the 2.2.13 update or get early access? Otherwise I would have to pay a developer to fix all the bugs myself or move on to IPB.
No, you will need to be patient like the rest of us
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Honestly? Given that on some boards this thread (and the other 2.3 one) could easily deteriorate into a flame war, I'll take repetitive jokes.
Honestly? Given that on some boards this thread (and the other 2.3 one) could easily deteriorate into a flame war, I'll take repetitive jokes.
Don't need them. jokes are great once.
imagine someone jumping on here and posting up mr methane youtube videos. Funny once not funny when repeated.
Don't need them. jokes are great once.
imagine someone jumping on here and posting up mr methane youtube videos. Funny once not funny when repeated.
Well, what's the problem mr funboy? When someone doesn't keep their promise, that's the outcome you get.

And yes, it is funny for me, how many times we been told "upcoming weeks" "next weeks". Why I can't have fun on that?
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