Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ?

It's difficult to communicate these things in ways that won't upset a portion of your customers. I work at a company where we also very rarely communicate timelines on features externally - even if we're very explicit about dates being changeable / early roadmaps etc, we get upset customers and customers leaving the product citing these roadmaps changes.

XF is also a small business, and comms / customer relations can take a huge amount of time and resources. Larger companies have dedicated teams working out how to message things and not upset customers.

That said - I do wish there was more information available, and I'm reluctant to renew on XF at the moment / convert other sites over to XF. But I'm also in the "hobbyist" category with only a small number of sites - even if I stay on XF for the next 10 years, the income generated from just me is pretty low.

The devs/team are also pretty responsive on the site and on support tickets - so most customers are probably not too bothered. I don't get the same level of service or responses from the developers for most products I purchase.
Totally understand what you are conveying - but come on man, the last “Have you seen” official post was back in May 2022…
The reason why i did this was because of everyone thinking everything on here is laughable. When really we need to know what's going on. Not everything is a joke.
To what avail? Were you hoping to get an exclusive reply on development prior to it being announced in the usual ways? Or did you think the plethora of threads about 2.3 (that all staff have replied in at some point) would go unnoticed?

Seems bizarre to open an official ticket. May as well have just emailed the press@xenforo too. Or sent a letter to the registered office.
To what avail? Were you hoping to get an exclusive reply on development prior to it being announced in the usual ways? Or did you think the plethora of threads about 2.3 (that all staff have replied in at some point) would go unnoticed?

Seems bizarre to open an official ticket. May as well have just emailed the press@xenforo too. Or sent a letter to the registered office.
Was sick of getting laughed at by some people in here
It's like your own issue with your forum. You don't really want people laughing at you when you are looking for some help with something. As i read that and tried to help you by telling you to submit a ticket all i see now is you laughing so you think everything's a joke.
Will Ferrell Chill GIF
It's like your own issue with your forum. You don't really want people laughing at you when you are looking for some help with something. As i read that and tried to help you by telling you to submit a ticket all i see now is you laughing so you think everything's a joke.

It's a discussion thread - both of my posts are points for discussion. If it was a genuine attempt at helping then I appreciate it, but I wasn't looking for help.

I haven't read all of this thread, but I don't see anyone making fun of you in recent posts until the comments complaining about people treating things as a joke.
It's a discussion thread - both of my posts are points for discussion. If it was a genuine attempt at helping then I appreciate it, but I wasn't looking for help.

I haven't read all of this thread, but I don't see anyone making fun of you in recent posts until the comments complaining about people treating things as a joke.
I’m almost certain by now he’s either a). Not a real person or b). A troll 🤷🏼‍♂️ what can ya do these days…
It's a discussion thread - both of my posts are points for discussion. If it was a genuine attempt at helping then I appreciate it, but I wasn't looking for help.

I haven't read all of this thread, but I don't see anyone making fun of you in recent posts until the comments complaining about people treating things as a joke.
Yeah it is but you shouldn't derail it with your own issues.
Others who have come and joined in here have brought their own issues in here.
Why is it hard for devs to just communicate and humbly say that the original date/timelines proposed are now pushed back due to X reason? That’s just something that’s always kept me wondering which does more damage than good when talking this long of durations.
It really should not be that hard.. but you simply have to look at the way the torches/pitch forks were quickly brought out here to see why they would rather not.
Would I personally like more information.. you bet your sweet tushy I would... but currently, overall (with the exception of several known bugs - editor being at the forefront) my site doesn't have any issues on the current version.
What I don't understand is why you guys need like an verbal update constantly? They already said it couple of times that they are late and are working on it.

You guys miss the big picture here. I couldn't care less about communicating to us at what stage the development is or what the problems are or whatever.

The core problem is that for whatever reason the development is very slow, and when we finally get a release, most likely the waited time in proportion to what we will get, will not be satisfying for most of us.

So, what difference does it make if we got each week an update? The problem is the pace and the level of development (like how feature-rich) we will get. Having someone tell us each week the progress doesn't change anything.

Say, we got 2.3 tomorrow. Is now everything fine? No. Then we will see the same thing happening for 2.4 and later for 2.5. The cycle will begin again.

We need to solve the core problem of being this slow. I thought adding 2 extra developers was finally the right direction to take. Until we found out that Mike left the team and they never had 2 extra developers to begin with. So we are even in a worse situation than before (with all respect, I don't think 2 part-time devs can replace 1 full-time developer who created the whole thing). Proven by the fact that we are nearing 3 years now.

The situation gets worse and worse, even for 3rd point releases.

From 4-6 weeks in 2015:


to 6-8 weeks in 2020:


to our current situation where at the start all was fine:

----- 20.5 weeks | 144 days and on going -----
Dec 8, 2022 | XF 2.2.12

----- 8.2 weeks | 58 days -----
Oct 11, 2022 | XF 2.2.11

----- 12.8 weeks | 90 days -----
Jul 13, 2022 | XF 2.2.10

----- 13 weeks | 91 days -----
Apr 13, 2022 | XF 2.2.9

----- 18.8 weeks | 132 days -----
Dec 2, 2021 | XF 2.2.8

----- 11.2 weeks | 79 days -----
Sep 14, 2021 | XF 2.2.7

----- 9.8 weeks | 69 days -----
Jul 7, 2021 | XF 2.2.6

----- 9.1 weeks | 64 days -----
May 4, 2021 | XF 2.2.5

----- 8.2 weeks | 58 days -----
Mar 9, 2021 | XF 2.2.4

----- 5.7 weeks | 40 days -----
Jan 28, 2021 | XF 2.2.3

----- 8.2 weeks | 58 days -----
Dec 1, 2020 | XF 2.2.2

----- 7 weeks | 49 days -----
Oct 13, 2020 | XF 2.2.1

----- 2 weeks | 14 days -----
Sep 29, 2020 | XF 2.2.0
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hence why we want constant updates.
my deal isn't so much "constant" updates (as honestly that's a ridiculous ask) but more consistent with REGULAR updates as to the status... as for "what's coming", I personally don't care as the update itself is more important. If it's lacking, THEN one can complain about it.
But honestly.. with past history, I don't look for anything "earth shattering" to come out in 2.3. It's READILY apparent that XF would prefer to push extending the script off onto third party developers.
So you want more updates and you want them to take their time?
I just made that exact observation in another of these threads.

Was it Mark Twain who said 'It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt?' It seems oddly relevant to these threads somehow 🤔
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