[Andrew] Moderator Panel

[Andrew] Moderator Panel 1.9.8

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Many thanks for an amazing plugin! My mod team would absolutely love to see these features implemented:
  1. Edit (of own) reported post comments
  2. Attachments enabled for reported post comments
  3. "X-Ray Vision" of moderated posts - the ability to see raw posted code. Spammers are hiding links in a way that's impossible to see otherwise.
Thank you!
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In particular, to help deal with the growing wave of AI-powered spammers, these would also be great to see in the approval queue under the username to help my mod team with their vetting.
  • IP Address (with link to IP checker)
  • Registration country: XXXX (this would come from proxy/VPN checker)
  • Post country: XXXX (this would come from proxy/VPN checker)
  • Was proxy / VPN used?
In particular, to help deal with the growing wave of AI-powered spammers, these would also be great to see in the approval queue under the username to help my mod team with their vetting.
  • IP Address (with link to IP checker)
  • Registration country: XXXX (this would come from proxy/VPN checker)
  • Post country: XXXX (this would come from proxy/VPN checker)
  • Was proxy / VPN used?
Do you approve all new users and do you use any of the APIs that work with my add-on?
All new users are moderated. We moderate users for their first few posts and look for suspicious behavior. If they show sustained signs of good behaviour, we release them to an unmoderated usergroup. Any tools in the post approval screen that would assist in detecting bad behaviour, metrics like post count, account age, a list of links found in their profile fields, etc, would be most helpful.

I signed up for proxycheck.io and put in the API key in the options section for MP, but didn't notice that it changed anything in the UI. Thanks!
You are going to see it when you check someone's IP on a post and if you view recent registered users in the mod panel. Check those areas and let me know what you like and what should be on the user approval page.
I have essentially the same process & experiences as @Reflect. This is what my queue looks like:
Screenshot 2024-05-29 135330.webp

I see the IP, but I have to click it to see whether it's a VPN, static, dynamic, etc. It would be much better if I didn't have to click it.

The Stopforumspam note is useful but I don't rely on it. Most spammers/bots seem to have a disposable email + VPN, so I reject all those registrations. I allow accounts that look legit but use a VPN.

I noticed that most of the spammers seemed to switch to mailknox recently, so that makes things easier for me, but if I don't recognize the email domain I'll just look it up to check whether it's a temp email. I think Andrew said he was working on something that would indicate whether or not the email was a temp email.

Basically, if that Stopforumspam note could be improved (or something else similar added to this queue page) to indicate "VPN/temp email", that would be perfect.

I've noticed that spammers get passed whatever xenforo.com is doing to fight spam on this forum. But I've never had a spammer get through my process on my forum.
You are going to see it when you check someone's IP on a post and if you view recent registered users in the mod panel. Check those areas and let me know what you like and what should be on the user approval page.
Here is our wish list :)

For user approvals:
  • Known temporary email service used?
For post approvals:
  • "X-Ray" toggle of the post so hidden links or weird behavior can be seen
  • Number of posts by user
For both user and post approvals
  • IP (clickable) - Proxy used? - Registration Country - Post Country
  • Alert about recent updates to user profile fields (perhaps show a number of updates in the last 30 days, and click to view)
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It would be great if on the recently registered screen, instead of the ban "tick" it showed name of the mod that did the ban, like it shows here on Recently Warned Users for the mod that gave the warning.
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