Ads Manager by Siropu

Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid] 1.26.9

No permission to buy (€49.99)
To add,, I can't get my head around the majority of all the function in this. An example, how would I ever know to add "Content template is:" search_results
There are no tutorials explaining .

As another example, I have no idea what works or disable something in the page criteria. It all makes no sense to me because things don't appear to work. You have to keep trying to trouble shoot , all guessing by turn off and on so many things.

After a year using this, I am still lost and this is coming from someone that has been running forums and advertising software for 20 years.
Page Critaria, User Criteria & Date Criteria, are not features added by Ads Manager. It's a built in feature in XF notices , but you are right, some things need a better explanation.
Add the following code in page_container_js_body template, after the last line:

$(function() {
     var unit = $('.sidebarBottom');
     var unitOffset = unit.offset().top;
     $(window).scroll(function() {
          var unitScrollOffset = unit.offset().top;
          var scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
          if (unitScrollOffset - scrollTop <= 0) {
               unit.css({position: 'fixed', top: 10, width: 'auto'});
          } else if (scrollTop <= unitOffset) {
               unit.css({position: '', top: '', width: '100%'});
Is this a reply to my post?

Add the following code in page_container_js_body template, after the last line:

$(function() {
     var unit = $('.sidebarBottom');
     var unitOffset = unit.offset().top;
     $(window).scroll(function() {
          var unitScrollOffset = unit.offset().top;
          var scrollTop = $(document).scrollTop();
          if (unitScrollOffset - scrollTop <= 0) {
               unit.css({position: 'fixed', top: 10, width: 'auto'});
          } else if (scrollTop <= unitOffset) {
               unit.css({position: '', top: '', width: '100%'});
I have a feature request, I don't think this would be too complicated and would be extremely valuable --

One of the big features ad platforms are developing is 'retargeting'. That is, they will show you an ad if (and only if) a user has clicked on another ad.

So for instance if I have an ad for a pair of shoes, if someone clicks on it, then they might also get an ad for a discounted pair of those shoes as they browse.

... So what I would like to see is a "User Criteria" of "Has Clicked on", then a field where we can list Ad IDs that the user has clicked on previously.

Would this be possible?

We recently converted some public ads to 728x90 but the display on mobile devices appears crushed/compressed. Is there a way to scale the image down without looking compressed? I glanced through this support thread, but didn't see an immediate solution. We would prefer to keep the ad size for normal desktop users... previous ads were a bit too small. The larger 728x90 versions perform better.

Go to siropu_ads_manager_ad_common.css template and add height: auto; below max-width: 100%; in the first block of code. If that doesn't help, I think it's better to use 728x90 for desktop and tablet and a smaller ad unit for mobile.
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Go to siropu_ads_manager_ad_common.css template and add height: auto; below max-width: 100%; in the first block of code. If that doesn't help, I think it's better to use 728x90 for desktop and tablet and a smaller ad unit for mobile.
This did the trick, looks much better.
I'll probably switch this around for mobile vs. desktop, but this fix works as expected for the time being to keep the client happy.

Would I be able to use this to place ads on external parts of my website that arnt part of xenforo
I know you can hide ads on help pages via help_index, help_smilies, etc, however how do you hide ads on custom help pages?
Hi and sorry if it was asked before.
Ist it not possible to use more than one user criteria?
If i use more than one, the ad will not be displayed.
The fact is, i as the admin will see the same ads like my guests.
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