Ads Manager 2 Lite by Siropu

Ads Manager 2 Lite by Siropu [Paid] 1.3.2

No permission to buy (€29.99)
From the tests I've made, seems to be working fine on the default style.
Not sure if this is relevant - I get this error within my console.

GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)

Upon checking, the file isn't there - But I haven't deleted it.
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It is relevant, because the JS file handles the lazy loading.
Try re-uploading the add-on files.

Edit: Actually, the file is core.min.js why are you using the unminified JS files?
It is relevant, because the JS file handles the lazy loading.
Try re-uploading the add-on files.

Edit: Actually, the file is core.min.js why are you using the unminified JS files?
I've not changed anything. The only thing I've done is upgrade the addon from the pre 2.2 version.

Upon looking at the files within the addon zip I downloaded, they match the above file structure. They're all minified.
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Your board is using the unminified JS version of the files and not just for my add-ons, for all and that can slow down the page load. My add-on doesn't include the unminified version, that's why you get 404 not found.
Your board is using the unminified JS version of the files and not just for my add-ons, for all and that can slow down the page load. My add-on doesn't include the unminified version, that's why you get 404 not found.
Thank you. I sorted it. Thank you for your time :)
Hello @Siropu ,

I am interested in your product. Was curious as if there were:
  1. Installation/set up guide I can look at?
  2. User manual?
  3. Tutorials/videos?
You install it as any other add-on.
There are no videos or manual but I think it is easy to set it up and if you have any questions, just ask.
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Hi @Siropu
Another question...I see in your intro the price is 19.99 (14.99 for Lite) for 12 months.
Why do I have a label on the top right hand corner of my screen giving me a different price?
Which is it?

" won't be able to upgrade the lite version installation to the complete version, as they are not compatible...."
Does this mean that we would need to buy a completely new full license for Ads Manager if we want the full functionality?

Why do I have a label on the top right hand corner of my screen giving me a different price?
Where do you see that? Renewal is 19.99 for full version and 14.99 for the lite version.

Does this mean that we would need to buy a completely new full license for Ads Manager if we want the full functionality?
No, you can pay the difference to get the full version. That statement is referring to the installation not to the license.
I think there’s a problem with the click fraud protection for Adsense.

The ads are hidden even if no clicks are being made, this disrupts the revenues...
Maybe the click detection is not precise?

I saw someone else pointing out the same problem in the other thread for the full version.
I've installed the plugin since a couple of days and the googleAds are not displayed.
I've enabled the "ad actions" option in the admin panel and I can see this menu where the ads should be visible but no ads.

I've checked several times my Ad configuration and did a lot of tests but unsuccessfully until now.
The Ad I've created is based upon "code"

I've added the adsense code inside it as this

Any ideas?

Thank you
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