Ads Manager 2 by Siropu

Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.22

No permission to buy (€49.99)
Have the email notifications for an expiring ad stopped working in the newer version(s)?

I log the outgoing emails and don't see anything for one that expired a day ago. I pushed it out 4 more days today, to see if it may work next time. It used to send out something 3 days in advance, and maybe the day it expired.

Is it possible that it can only do it one time, and this is my issue? I use the same ad when it expires every year, and just push out the expiration date when they renew it. (for this particular advertiser, who pays by check)

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Please add AJAX support for ads enable/disable toggle button without reload the page.
It has a custom integration for toggle on/off and currently requires a refresh to see the status of the ad upon toggle.

How does an advertiser cancel a subscription?
With PayPal they have to do it via their account. With Stripe, I just realized that there is no way. I will add the option in the next release.

Have the email notifications for an expiring ad stopped working in the newer version(s)?
The only thing has changed is to check if the user that created the ad exists before attempting to send email/notification. Are the options to receive email/alert checked in the ad settings of the advertiser in front-end? Also, what value have you set for admin option "Send notification with x days before ad expires"?
The only thing has changed is to check if the user that created the ad exists before attempting to send email/notification. Are the options to receive email/alert checked in the ad settings of the advertiser in front-end?
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find this setting.
I checked the ad itself, i checked the package settings, I checked general/advertiser/admin options, I even checked xf usergroup permissions for those users.

Also, what value have you set for admin option "Send notification with x days before ad expires"?
It is set to 3 days and did work in past years.

With PayPal they have to do it via their account. With Stripe, I just realized that there is no way. I will add the option in the next release.

Great, thanks! If you could make it work with PayPal as well (to keep the workflow the same), that would be awesome. I know for account upgrades both can be cancelled via the cancel button on the user upgrades page.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to find this setting.
When you create an ad as an advertiser, settings are in the "Options" tab.

The MP4 files preview is bugged when you upload one since release of the support of this file extension.
What preview?

I know for account upgrades both can be cancelled via the cancel button on the user upgrades page.
For PayPal, in XF 2.2.x you get this message: "Note: PayPal subscriptions can only be canceled from your PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, please contact us or contact PayPal directly."
I have a banner ad where I use the Custom HTML with something similar to this:
<div id="header-ad-ABC"></div>

I'd like to change the 'ABC' portion for certain viewers when they meet certain criteria. I may be able to do this with existing options but would have to manually create and track tons of ads which I don't want to do.

If I wanted to throw in some PHP logic and set a var for the 'ABC' portion how and where would you recommend I do that so your updates don't overwrite it?
For PayPal, in XF 2.2.x you get this message: "Note: PayPal subscriptions can only be canceled from your PayPal account. If you do not have a PayPal account, please contact us or contact PayPal directly."

Oops, I forgot the cancel button just takes you to the PayPal autopay page :)
I created a "banner package" then created an ad but it's forcing me to put a title and description.


Is it possible to disable the "title" & "description" from my ad? I only want the banner to show. The title and description takes up too much time once you ad more ads

This is how my ad looks. The title and description is unnecessary for me.
There is no option to disable title and description in the settings.

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I just replaced an ad from gif format to mp4 format. Everything uploads fine but i notice that when the banner displays on the forum, the video doesnt play or animate. It just stuck in one frame.
Anyone know if this is a setting issue or something else?
Anyone has any active mp4 banners ads running on your forum which you can share the url?
My mp4 ads display fine on desktop but not mobile (either via phone browser or PWA). It just does not animate.
Trying to find if there is something in the browsers, the addon or the mp4 video itself.
Update: it seems the mp4 ads are working on Android phones but not on iPhone.
I wonder if there is something different about iPhone that cause this issue. Anyone ran into similar issue before? I can't be the only one with mp4 ads using this addon.
I will have to look into the geolite databases and see what data is supported and if it is free or not.
Hi @Siropu I'm following-up on the idea of state targeting.

We have a request from a few advertisers that are willing to pay almost DOUBLE our usual rate if we can target specific STATES in the US, and specific provinces in Canada.

I hope we can find ways to do this... and if not yet, can we pay for this to be added as a feature?
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