Add-on Install & Upgrade

Add-on Install & Upgrade 1.4.3

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Yes it works if you use the RM URL feature. If you have a mobile that can contain ZIP files and allow you to upload them to website you can probably install that way too.
Nope. This version (beta) doesn't make any effort to clear the addon-prestage folder. When I finish the next version (soon) it should clear up after each install routine.
Is this still in Beta because my addon-prestage folder is chock full of addons.
Yes delete it.

You would have that folder if you used an older version in the past or currently use my add-on builder add-on.
Hi Chris,

Congratulations for this amazing add-on.

I'm getting this error when I try to install an addon through a zip file:
Server Error
mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied

I know this is a permission error but could you please give me more information about what is causing this? Which username does this add-on use in order to create folders?
Your host will know what to do.

It's related to file permissions. I can't advise what your host to fix. It's for them to work out the most appropriate way of implementing it.

Why can't you just list the directories that need elevated permissions? "Your host will know what to do" isn't at all useful if you can't tell your host what directories are causing permissions errors.

Do you expect us to 777 our entire web root directory? XF's addon directories already have R/W from the web server. This addon obviously needs more permissions than the core forum. Why aren't you listing them specifically?
You should know what directories as all add ons are installed in the sane directories.

The reason I don't comment on such things is because its not for me to tell you how to set up crucial file permissions on your server.

I will not take responsibility for that.
You should know what directories as all add ons are installed in the sane directories.

The reason I don't comment on such things is because its not for me to tell you how to set up crucial file permissions on your server.

I will not take responsibility for that.

It absolutely IS for the developers to tell the admins what file permissions your addons require. This is in fact why it has an entire section dedicated to it in the XenForo installation instructions and why every PHP app that needs to write to the file system has some sort of instructions on which directories need to be given write permissions by the file server for their script to work.
No. I still disagree. I can tell you that add ons often need to put files in the js directory, styles directory and library directory.

Do with that information what you like.

I can't tell you how to set your server up securely.
Ironically, I suggest not upgrading the add-on installer through the add-on installer :)

Most of the time it should work, but as I'm sure you can appreciate when you're updating the code of the tool you're trying to use to update the code, it has the potential to cause a mess.
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Ironically, I suggest not upgrading the add-on installer through the add-on installer :)

Most of the time it should work, but as I'm sure you can appreciate when you're updating the code of the tool you're trying to use to update the code, it has the potential to cause a mess.

Chicken or egg?
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