XF 1.2 A New Editor and Much Much More

I've never hidden my frustrations with XF 1.1's editor (which is based on TinyMCE). In 1.2, we have entirely removed the existing editor and replaced it with a new one based on Redactor:

So obviously this looks quite a bit different--and I know plenty of people didn't like the 1.1 editor look--but the functionality is there. So what advantages do we have? Well there are various ones:
  • Much lighter code and faster to load. Redactor depends on jQuery and benefits from that.
  • When pasting, most formatting is removed (though some is kept). However, if you're pasting from one XenForo editor to another (or within the same one), all formatting is maintained.
  • White space is maintained for code tags when pasting from Webkit. This was an annoyance for a number of people here, myself included. :)
  • The overlays are now consistent with overlays elsewhere in XF.
  • Generally, from my perspective, the code is much more adaptable to our needs.
  • A bunch of other things I'm going to detail below...
For the most part, the editor simply shouldn't get in your way so in a sense, you shouldn't actually see much different for the average post.

How about some other bigger changes?

Pasting images
If you use Chrome or Firefox and have an image in your clipboard, you can simply paste it into the editor. It will automatically be uploaded as an attachment if possible. If the upload is successful, this works exactly like uploading an image and then clicking the "full image" button.

Note that in Chrome, the image data must be in your clipboard (such as from pressing print screen). In Firefox, you can either have image data or you can copy a file that's an image and paste that.

Drag and drop uploading
Provided your browser supports it, you can now drag files into the editor to upload them:

@User tagging
While not directly related to the editor change, this is probably the best time to mention it. You can use @Mike style syntax to tag users in a post:

Tagged users will receive an alert when they're tagged.

You can obviously turn off tag alerts, but as an admin, you can also limit the maximum users that can be tagged per message as a permission. (So you could disable it for registered members and only allow premium members to tag, for example.)

Alternative smilie inserting approach
The smilie dropdown really didn't work well with a lot of smilies. Clicking the :) button will now do this:

This is now making a call to get the smilies and lays them out with a template. This opens up the possibility for more organization options (though nothing has changed as of this message).

Auto save drafts
While you are typing a message, every X seconds (currently 60), a draft of your message will be saved. If you reload the page later, your message will be automatically re-shown. Drafts will be automatically pruned over time.
Each draft is associated with a particular piece of content, such as a thread, forum, or conversations. A draft reply that you start working on in thread 1 will not be shown to thread 2 and so forth.

Display if messages have been posted since you started your message
Tied into the auto-saving, when you're writing a reply to a thread, we will check to see if any new messages and display a note if there are. You can then display those new posts without reloading the page.

Oh yeah, one more thing on the editor, it's fully responsive:

That should be a hint... :)

So, when are we going to see this all? Well, we're hoping to have 1.2 running here on XenForo.com in early June. The initial beta release will follow, based on how well the time on 1.2 goes. The final release of 1.2 would be wholly dependent on how the beta process goes.
I'm hoping that there is extensive style properties created for the new editor.

The fact that there are essentially none for the current one is a pain in the ass when you have to design a dark style as you then have to do a ton of editing to get it working and displaying properly.

Might be worth suggesting this one in suggestions because styling the current editor is a nightmare for dark styles plus try to keep all imagery on 1 spritesheet since the current editor and it's imagery span across two spritesheets and individual imagery. Keep http requests down.

Thank you for the link, King Kovifor.

Unfortunately currently we don't have a toolbar in the BBcode editor. What I'm hoping for in the new editor for 1.2 is an Standard Editor (aka BBcode editor) option that has a toolbar and will only display bbcodes. For example if I highlight a word and click the B in the toolbar it would surround the word with the [ B]word[ /B] bbcodes.
When the beta for 1.2 is released is it usually safe to run Xenforo betas on your live sites?
The generally accepted answer is "no", because it's not battle-tested code and no official support will be offered until a stable release. However, XenForo has a track record of releasing stable code, so that choice is up to you. I'm probably going to be going live with one of the betas, but I do so knowing I'm at the mercy of my own abilities and these forums should something go wrong. :)

Obviously, it's also important to note that the 1.2 codebase is new, and there will be bugs to begin with.
Much as the discussion of the new editor is interesting, we're basically discussing some screenshots and some info Mike posted - would it be worth waiting for the beta (and actually using it) before getting too deep into feature/enhancement requests? A lot may be answered (and raised!) simply by using it. (y)

@Mike - just a suggestion - video HYS's can work better for the bigger/fundamental changes like an editor; people can see the detail of the feature in action and it can remove some ambiguity as well as add more specifics to people's queries. Might be worth considering for any future 1.2 "big stuff". ;)

Shaun :D
My understanding is that the iPad currently represents about 98% of the tablet users in this world. So it would be very important to make sure that the new editor has a toolbar that works with the iPad as they are very popular on some forums, I know they are on mine.
Actually, according to Forbe's for Feb. 2013 it stood at 43.6% (market share), well below your 98% guess.
Hello this is Jake Bunce formerly known as Jack Bounce from xenforo Mike couldn't be here right now because he was too busy deving it up in redactor juice. Today we are going to be looking at the lens flare feature and how to blind your visitors with a touch of a button and effectively put them out of action momentarily..... TBC
For a video that would really get a lot of attention, I think there is a certain group of women here who would love to see a HYS video with Mike doing the voiceover while Brogan is pointing at things on the screen. Shirtless, of course.
Everyone that is not Kim, Shelley or Azh that liked this frightens me :sick:.
The 98% was for browsing market share for tablets.
NetMarketShare is showing that it reflects at 59.42% for Safari, Android 22.89% and Chrome at 2.63%. Not exactly sure how they gather their metrics - as does Chrome report as Chrome on the iPad or as Safari, same on Android as the shipping browser on JellyBean and higher is Chrome as far as I remember.
I know that my iPad mini has caused me more headaches on styling stuff than the Galaxy 7.7 that I have. Same on the iPhone vs the Galaxy S3, the Motorola Maxx HD or the Motorola RAZR Maxx.
NetMarketShare is showing that it reflects at 59.42% for Safari, Android 22.89% and Chrome at 2.63%. Not exactly sure how they gather their metrics - as does Chrome report as Chrome on the iPad or as Safari, same on Android as the shipping browser on JellyBean and higher is Chrome as far as I remember.
I know that my iPad mini has caused me more headaches on styling stuff than the Galaxy 7.7 that I have. Same on the iPhone vs the Galaxy S3, the Motorola Maxx HD or the Motorola RAZR Maxx.
The 98% is outdated and is for tablet browsing only; NetMarketShare combines mobile and tablet together.
Geez I don't get, this is great news for xenforo and much better than the alternative!!

I for one am not getting bogged down in the complexities and happy to see this news.

Great work Mike it looks like 1.2 is going to be jam packed with goodies and I can not wait.

The editor looks fantastic!!!!!!!
Why are people complaining about things... (Little things)?

Honestly, this editor looks awesome, and I love the paste and upload feature!

Awesome job! :)
There's absolutely nothing useful about browsing market share for mobile devices honestly. Maybe if you care about what browsers are used on your site, but it isn't a proper metric for popularity or success of a platform. It's mostly used as a right to brag, just like Android gets accused of specs to brag about.

I just posted a different metric that is more trustworthy than the one he mentioned.
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