XF 1.2 A New Editor and Much Much More

I've never hidden my frustrations with XF 1.1's editor (which is based on TinyMCE). In 1.2, we have entirely removed the existing editor and replaced it with a new one based on Redactor:

So obviously this looks quite a bit different--and I know plenty of people didn't like the 1.1 editor look--but the functionality is there. So what advantages do we have? Well there are various ones:
  • Much lighter code and faster to load. Redactor depends on jQuery and benefits from that.
  • When pasting, most formatting is removed (though some is kept). However, if you're pasting from one XenForo editor to another (or within the same one), all formatting is maintained.
  • White space is maintained for code tags when pasting from Webkit. This was an annoyance for a number of people here, myself included. :)
  • The overlays are now consistent with overlays elsewhere in XF.
  • Generally, from my perspective, the code is much more adaptable to our needs.
  • A bunch of other things I'm going to detail below...
For the most part, the editor simply shouldn't get in your way so in a sense, you shouldn't actually see much different for the average post.

How about some other bigger changes?

Pasting images
If you use Chrome or Firefox and have an image in your clipboard, you can simply paste it into the editor. It will automatically be uploaded as an attachment if possible. If the upload is successful, this works exactly like uploading an image and then clicking the "full image" button.

Note that in Chrome, the image data must be in your clipboard (such as from pressing print screen). In Firefox, you can either have image data or you can copy a file that's an image and paste that.

Drag and drop uploading
Provided your browser supports it, you can now drag files into the editor to upload them:

@User tagging
While not directly related to the editor change, this is probably the best time to mention it. You can use @Mike style syntax to tag users in a post:

Tagged users will receive an alert when they're tagged.

You can obviously turn off tag alerts, but as an admin, you can also limit the maximum users that can be tagged per message as a permission. (So you could disable it for registered members and only allow premium members to tag, for example.)

Alternative smilie inserting approach
The smilie dropdown really didn't work well with a lot of smilies. Clicking the :) button will now do this:

This is now making a call to get the smilies and lays them out with a template. This opens up the possibility for more organization options (though nothing has changed as of this message).

Auto save drafts
While you are typing a message, every X seconds (currently 60), a draft of your message will be saved. If you reload the page later, your message will be automatically re-shown. Drafts will be automatically pruned over time.
Each draft is associated with a particular piece of content, such as a thread, forum, or conversations. A draft reply that you start working on in thread 1 will not be shown to thread 2 and so forth.

Display if messages have been posted since you started your message
Tied into the auto-saving, when you're writing a reply to a thread, we will check to see if any new messages and display a note if there are. You can then display those new posts without reloading the page.

Oh yeah, one more thing on the editor, it's fully responsive:

That should be a hint... :)

So, when are we going to see this all? Well, we're hoping to have 1.2 running here on XenForo.com in early June. The initial beta release will follow, based on how well the time on 1.2 goes. The final release of 1.2 would be wholly dependent on how the beta process goes.
People with iPad's have been brainwashed by Apple. They are mainly lower end than their Android alternatives, and nothing works on them.

Also, this is an issue with TinyMCE not xenForo :)

Hopefully Mike will let us know if the new editor will include a toolbar for iPad users.
My understanding is that the iPad currently represents about 98% of the tablet users in this world. So it would be very important to make sure that the new editor has a toolbar that works with the iPad as they are very popular on some forums, I know they are on mine.

Apple has about 40% of the tablet market currently and that is going to continue to drop.

Also any browser on iOS is basically the safari browser due to the restriction Apple puts forth.

EDIT: Read the chart wrong. That's what I get for doing other things like beta testing B3 of XI Blog :mad:.
Thank you, Clickfinity.

Problem is I won't use Chrome because it lacks many features that I cannot live without. I would bet that 99% of users of the iPad use the default Safari Mobile browser.

Yeah, to be fair, that's more of a personal change (and I posted for your benefit in case it was something you'd like to do) - we can't be expected to ask all our iOS users to download a specific browser to make something work.

However, from what's been hinted at, we'll hopefully see better mobile support in XF 1.2 - looking forward to it. :D
My understanding is that the iPad currently represents about 98% of the tablet users in this world.
Heh, is that just a randomly made up statistic? :P I know that for Q1 of 2013, Apple had around a 40%~ market share. Not sure about all in total, but 98% sounds way too high... Aside from the main competitors, you'd be surprised at the amount of people using random less known brands too.

Back on topic... is it possible to have an option for the smiley box to be shown by default, or if not, maybe according to last used via cookie? I find that most people who do use smilies may prefer to have the box shown all the time instead of having to click it each time.
Heh, is that just a randomly made up statistic? :p I know that for Q1 of 2013, Apple had around a 40%~ market share. Not sure about all in total, but 98% sounds way too high... Aside from the main competitors, you'd be surprised at the amount of people using random less known brands too.

Back on topic... is it possible to have an option for the smiley box to be shown by default, or if not, maybe according to last used via cookie? I find that most people who do use smilies may prefer to have the box shown all the time instead of having to click it each time.
:oops: Just realize I read the chart backwards and posted the old statistic.
The new editor should work fine for Apple and Android devices.

You can test it now by visiting the Redactor website and trying the demo.
The new editor should work fine for Apple and Android devices.

You can test it now by visiting the Redactor website and trying the demo.

Hopefully that will be the case. Mike however indicated that the new editor is "based" on the Redactor editor, so there's no assurance anything we see on the Redactor's website will be the same as the one Mike coded for v1.2.
The toolbar in TinyMCE was only disabled in iOS due to a Safari bug.
If iOS/Safari supports Redactor then the toolbar will be available.
And just because you don't see the need for tables, doesn't mean there isn't one. XenForo should be as universal possible.

He doesn't say it's not needed. He says it's not core material. What I like most about xenforo it's not a feature dump. So you know your avaliable features and use most of them.
I didn't make up a random statistic, I leave that to the experts. LOL


They have ~60% of the browsing market share worldwide.

I think they're down to about ~80% of tablet browsing.

The statistic in question are not professional; they're provided by a tool maker for mobile experience sites and they do it based off of their customers, not off of the actual market.
How does everyone feel about having a standard editor option? Meaning no WYSIWYG editor but one that only shows bbcodes. This was an option in vB4 that I really miss.
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