[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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I recieve the error below when I click the delete promotion option
Warning: Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Undefined variable: db' in /home/jvkkbbnf/public_html/library/EWRporta/Model/Promotes.php:95 Stack trace: #0 /home/jvkkbbnf/public_html/library/EWRporta/Model/Promotes.php(95): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/home/jvkkbbnf/...', 95, Array) #1 /home/jvkkbbnf/public_html/library/EWRporta/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(96): EWRporta_Model_Promotes->updatePromotion(Array) #2 /home/jvkkbbnf/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(310): EWRporta_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionPromote() #3 /home/jvkkbbnf/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(132): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch)) #4 /home/jvkkbbnf/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run() #5 {main} thrown in /home/jvkkbbnf/public_html/library/EWRporta/Model/Promotes.php on line 95
Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /home/jvkkbbnf/public_html/library/EWRporta/Model/Promotes.php on line 95
Jaxel said that the plugin considers website's time-zone while using the promotion options. But even with the latest version, the threads are promoted on the GMT timezone. Is there any way to fix this?
Instead of a nice recent news slider..i get this bit of code showing on my portal

jQuery(document).ready(function() { $("#recentSlider").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 5000, true); $("#recentSlider").hover(function() { $("#recentSlider").tabs("rotate", 0, true); }, function() { $("#recentSlider").tabs("rotate", 5000, true); }); $("#recentSlider .excerpt").hide(); $("#recentSlider").hover(function() { $("#recentSlider .excerpt").slideDown(); }, function() { $("#recentSlider .excerpt").hide(); }); });
Jaxel said that the plugin considers website's time-zone while using the promotion options. But even with the latest version, the threads are promoted on the GMT timezone. Is there any way to fix this?
This wasn't the case on my website. I'm using the latest version of XenPorta and I promoted a topic at the weekend and it correctly promoted it in BST.

Are you sure that the board timezone and your own user timezone are set correctly?
This wasn't the case on my website. I'm using the latest version of XenPorta and I promoted a topic at the weekend and it correctly promoted it in BST.

Are you sure that the board timezone and your own user timezone are set correctly?
Yep, they're all set to IST. But when I promote - the thread gets promoted after 5:30 hours (that is GMT+5:30). If I set a promotion time 5:30 hours before or GMT time, the thread gets promoted immediately.
Where are the XenAtendo blocks? I tried to install the old ones (also putting EventsBirthdays.php, EventsCalendar.php, EventsStream.php, EventsUpcoming.php in /library/EWRporta/Block/), but didn't work** :(
Where are the XenAtendo blocks? I tried to install the old ones (also putting EventsBirthdays.php, EventsCalendar.php, EventsStream.php, EventsUpcoming.php in /library/EWRporta/Block/), but didn't work** :(

Jaxel says in the update that:

"Blocks related to other mods, such as XenMedio, XenAtendo, XenRio, etc have been removed. I've decided to include those blocks in future packages of those mods, instead of including them here."

I can see why he gets frustrated offering support :p
Where are the XenAtendo blocks? I tried to install the old ones (also putting EventsBirthdays.php, EventsCalendar.php, EventsStream.php, EventsUpcoming.php in /library/EWRporta/Block/), but didn't work** :(
Not sure what your problem is. I upgraded from the previous version to the latest and is working fine. There was no need to move any files into the /library/EWRporta/Block/ folder when upgrading, those files should have remained there from the previous installation.
If I installed my forum to my root, should I install this elsewhere and then direct the URL to it or would I also install this to the root? I dont want to mess anything up. Please help me out.
Not sure what your problem is. I upgraded from the previous version to the latest and is working fine. There was no need to move any files into the /library/EWRporta/Block/ folder when upgrading, those files should have remained there from the previous installation.

It's a clean install, not an upgrade. I took those files (besides the blocks, all php files containing "EWRatendo") from a previous version that I had, the 1.5.6. Thanks for the tip, maybe if I take it from the 1.5.7... I'll try

EDIT: Works!! (y)
Better yet...how do I make the Twitch and the Chat side to side? Whenever I add them...they are apart!

[Twitch is here]
[Chat is here]

I want it
[Twitch][Chat] Even out.
FYI hitting the 'Delete Promotion' button on the promotion menu causes the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /home/********/public_html/community/library/EWRporta/Model/Promotes.php on line 129
Hello. I have just installed the newest Version. Where do i find all the Blocks, like Slider...?
I cant find it in [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) v1.5.8\library\EWRporta\XML
and this is where?
I´ve read this "This should also fix issues with the relative few of you who are still using the now unsupported and deprecated RecentSlider block."

But what is Jaxel using at his Page then when its not the "Slider"

Hmm i have been now through almost every Page in here. All i have found are some xml Files in [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) v1.5.8\library\EWRporta\Block\XML

like RawHyperText1 -5 and some others but also
[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) v1.5.8\library\EWRporta\XML

Not sure what are blocks i can use and what not.
The Documentation gives no answer at all
Files in: library\EWRporta\XML are installed by default on initial XenPorta installation...
Files in: library\EWRporta\Block\XML are not installed by default...
Files in: library\EWRporta\XML_Addons have been deprecated and can be deleted if you wish.

All blocks which are already installed are automatically re-installed (upgraded) during a XenPorta upgrade, if they are in either of the first two listed folders above. If they are in the third folder, they are ignored and not upgraded.
FYI hitting the 'Delete Promotion' button on the promotion menu causes the following error:

I also just promoted a thread and it turned out it was a bad idea. Lots of videos and it dragged down my performance. But I can't unpromote it because of this error. And now my only option is to promote, but it's still on the front page, which means it will promote again. Ha!
I also just promoted a thread and it turned out it was a bad idea. Lots of videos and it dragged down my performance. But I can't unpromote it because of this error. And now my only option is to promote, but it's still on the front page, which means it will promote again. Ha!

If you edit the thread content and promote it again it you can at least remove the heavy payload as it'll overwrite the original promotion. I'm currently looking into a proper solution, I'll post back if I find one.
Hello Jaxel. Thank you for the detailed Information.
I had an older Version installed, above 1.5.1, but none of the Blocks where installed by default. I may have to deinstall the Portal Addon and reinstall the newest Version.
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