[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

Unmaintained [8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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The original version of XenPorta 1.0 was released a short four days after the open beta of the XenForo platform. It was created in order to fill the needs that people had with the platform and the lack of a front-page for their forums. XenPorta was released for free, because I was new to the platform and didn't feel comfortable charging for an under-produced and impossible to support piece of software. Some time later, I released XenPorta 1.5, which tacked a rudimentary widget framework onto the existing XenPorta 1.0 software.

XenPorta as it stands now is the most popular XenForo addon ever released. If you include the two years it was out before the implementation of the XenForo Resource Manager, it has been downloaded more times and has more response posts than any other addon. As such, I have in the past been unable to support XenPorta; especially since it was free.

It is now over 3 years later and I have learned so much about XenForo and the Zend platform... to the point that I have begun releasing premium, and fully supported versions of my software. However, since XenPorta is my oldest, and most popular software released yet, it requires the most amount of work to rewrite. Unfortunately, with the amount of work that is going to be required to rewrite XenPorta, development can not continue without proper funding.

Crowd-fund Link:

Discussion thread on the crowd-fund:
  • Comments in article views are now responsive.
  • RecentNews: fixed the pager for when routes get changed.
  • RecentFeatures: the old block no longer worked in xf1.2 due to jQuery deprecation. A new block has been included which uses bxSlider. This new slider looks different, but is functionaly the same. If you want it to look similar to the old slider, just add the following code to your extra.css:
#recentFeatures .recentFeatures ul li { background position: left center; }
#recentFeatures .recentFeatures ul li .summary { width: 180px; top: 0px; left: 0px; }
#recentFeatures .recentFeatures ul li .summary .title { white-space: normal; }
#recentFeatures .recentFeatures ul li .summary .excerpt { white-space: normal; padding-top: 15px; text-align: justify; }
#recentFeatures .recentFeatures .bx-wrapper .bx-wrapper .bx-pager { top: auto; bottom: 12px; }
#recentFeatures .recentFeatures .bx-wrapper .bx-controls-direction a { top: 92%; }
(change the word "left" to "right" in 2 spots to swap positions of the summary)​
This update is mainly to bring XenForo 1.2 compatibility to XenPorta.

KNOWN BUG: There is a bug that existed in the beta/rc version of XF1.2 that was caused by a spelling error in the Facebook block. I had incorrectly spelled the template "EWRblock_FaceBook.css" as "EWRblock_Facebook.css". XF did not know how to handle case-sensitivity in template titles and it threw the error "Template titles must be unique".

I believe that Kier fixed this bug in the public release because I updated my forum and this error was not posted. However, if you are still getting the error, you can fix it by putting your forum into dev mode and deleting the offending template from the master skin before upgrading XenPorta.

  • Updated the jQuery-UI script to the most recent version in order to be compatible with the current version of jQuery that XF1.2 uses. Your browser may have the old version cached, so you will need to refresh that.
  • Removed the portal as index option from XenPorta. It is now redundant due to the built in route changer with XF1.2. Please check your XF settings before complaining that things aren't working for you.
  • Added a phrase for "Recent Threads" to the appropriate blocks as this phrase has been removed from the stock XenForo install.
  • Made some slight changes to Recent Thread x5 block, for those few of you who used it in conjunction with the other Recent Threads block, or on top of thread lists.
  • Fixed the Online Users block so it now properly handles the staff list changes made in XF1.2.
  • Fixed the Twitter block to now use the new Twitter API.
  • Fixed a DB query when deleting a promotion.
Well since so many people complained, the auto-promote feature of the RecentNews block has been put back in. I honestly didn't think it would be that much of an issue, but people came up with many valid reasons why the feature should remain. This should also fix issues with the relative few of you who are still using the now unsupported and deprecated RecentSlider block.
This update changes the way the "RecentNews" block works. In order to improve performance across your entire forum, the "auto-promote" feature from defined forums has been removed... instead, only manually promoted threads will appear in the article lists. Getting rid of this feature may add a small amount of work (2 clicks) to promote a thread to an article, but it also saves TWO queries for EVERY thread view. Because of this, I made the decision to get rid of this feature. Please be aware of these changes, before you upgrade.
  • Added FIVE "Raw HTML Blocks" to the package. People forget that XenPorta is not only a portal, but also a widget framework; and creating such blocks would be VERY EASY. However, for some reason, Raw HTML blocks still end up being the most requested feature... so I've added them in.
  • Added a new "News Categories" block. This is yet another often requested block; this block can work as a "navigation" for your article system.
  • You can now force style IDs to specific categories within the article system. So if a user is browsing a category of articles, they will be forced to use that style.
  • Categories now have types: "major" or "minor". The distinction is basically visual in the edit categories screen, but you can also set the new "News Categories" block to only show major categories.
  • Category displays will now properly show the XenPorta sub-nav, as well as breadcrumbs.
  • If you disable the social media icons for an article preview, it will now show the categories for that article.
  • Blocks related to other mods, such as XenMedio, XenAtendo, XenRio, etc have been removed. I've decided to include those blocks in future packages of those mods, instead of including them here.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed a bug that would often produce an error when viewing the RSS feed of a forum index, which has no threads in it.
  • BUG FIX: The twitter widget has been changed to more nicely display twitter's new design.
  • BUG FIX: The facebook widget has been changed to more nicely display facebook's new design.
If you use XenAtendo or XenRio, you should upgrade those mod before upgrading this mod.
  • BoardTotals: block has been changed to show rich usernames.
  • Facebook: as most of you know, facebook stopped supporting their fan box last month... so the block has been updated with Facebook's new like box. Unfortunately, facebook no longer permits custom CSS in their blocks, so I have done my best to make it look nice.
  • Twitter: small changes in order to match the facebook block.
  • Donations: fixed the install script to no longer produce class/method errors.
  • EventsStream: this block no longer functions with the newest version of XenAtendo and should be deleted.
  • EventsUpcoming: block has been updated for the newest version of XenAtendo. There is no longer a streaming system in XenAtendo so this block eschews those options.
  • StreamsLive: new block for XenRio.
  • BUG FIX: fixed an issue that would produce server errors during thread cache rebuilding.
  • BUG FIX: removed some erroneous code that was left over from pre 1.5.0 and was causing issues with RAID101's first post sticky addon.
  • BUG FIX: blocks will now properly delete unused options on installs/upgrades.
There are a lot of fundamental changes to this version. Please read all the patch notes before you ask questions.

File structure for many block files have changed. I have done this to make it easier to group files that have to do with the portal, and files that have to do with individual blocks. Before you upload this new version, you should review the file structure of files on your existing install.​
You may wish to delete the current EWRporta directory before uploading these new files (back them up first!). Make sure you keep the additional blocks you've added made by other authors; they will still work. Blocks that dont follow the new structure will still work.​
Default installed blocks are located in EWRporta/XML. Included blocks which are not installed by default are now located in EWRporta/Blocks/XML. The install script is such that it will automatically update any block you have installed; including the non-default blocks.​
  • Added an option so that you can define the replaced route in "Set as Index Controller". So if you wish to change it from /forum/ to something else, such as /boards/, you can do so without editing any files.
  • Added some missing phrases.
  • BUGFIX: Changed the way cache clearing is handled. Instead of deleting the cache, it simply sets the cache date to 0, so that it is refreshed on the next page load. This will fix the "duplicate entry" error that will sometimes be found in the server error logs.
  • RecentNews: fixed <h2> tags. added an RSS feed that can be accessed from /portal/index.rss.

    ex: http://8wayrun.com/calibur/portal/index.rss
  • RecentAttachments: added page extension for the block at /portal/recent-attachments. This page is an island, it is not linked from anywhere by default. Its up to you to put a link to it where you wish.

    ex: http://8wayrun.com/calibur/portal/recent-attachments
  • RecentThreadsx5: fixed a bug caused by a double call of xenforo.js that conflicted with TaigaChat Pro.
  • The RecentSlider and RecentAccordion blocks have been removed from the install files. You can still use these blocks from the old install files if you wish; but I will no longer be supporting them. These blocks have been deprecated in favor of the new RecentFeatures block.
  • Apparently, XenForo's built-in tabs scripting interferes with jQuery UI's tabs scripting. This would essentially break any feature sliders that appear on the same page as a XenForo tabs system. This has been addressed by making a few small changes in the jQuery UI javascript file (.tabs renamed to .jQtabs). Depending on how caching is done on your server, users may have to wait a bit before they retrieve the new javascript file.
  • RecentAttachments: new block with a rotating carousel.
  • RecentThreadx5: new block with tabbing support for up to 5 searches.
  • RecentFeatures: updating threads will now clear the cache correctly.
  • RecentNews: added the hook recentnews_share_page_options.
  • RecentNews: article title is now wrapped in an h2 tag.
  • RecentThreads: block no longer has a validation method.
  • A check has been put in to reduce queries for unpromoted threads/forums.
  • Added some missing phrases.
  • Some slight style changes to make it work with more skins.
  • RanksTopList: Added this block for XenTorneo users to display a toplist for a selected league.
  • RecentFeatures: Added a brand new slider! This one is MUCH nicer than the old one!
  • RecentNews: Ellipses are now automatically added to prebreaked text; makes things look more professional.
  • BUGFIX: Options page has been updated to work with PHP 5.4.
  • Added a function, so that if people overwrite their <1.5.0 files, the new install files can still uninstall the old versions.
  • Category pages will now canonicalize correctly.
  • Forum Index RSS feed will no longer spout an error if you don't have SEO friendly urls enabled.
  • Added a "sticky" option in the RecentNews block. If enabled, any "sticky" that is also an article, will be pinned to the top of the recent news block.
  • Recent News block now supports thread prefixes.
  • Recent News block iconKey now uses Xenforo UI sprites.
  • Donations block now has the correct return URL to return to a thank you page.
  • Added a RawHypterText block... its a simple Raw HTML block where you can edit the template/css. I saw the way some of you guys were doing it and it was driving me nuts! I mean, this is soooo simple...
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