[8WR] XenPorta (Portal)

[8WR] XenPorta (Portal) 1.6.0

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Okay, there's one thing I'm unable to figure out on my own - when I promote any thread - it takes several hours before it appears on the front page. Why is that so? Caching issue? I've set it to 5 minutes on both featured and recent news. :confused:
That'd be really awesome. I wish to know whether the next version will include breadcrumb for the articles displayed in category? For example, on our website, the breadcrumb shows 'Home' for http://www.crazyengineers.com/articles/news/ , it should show something like

Home -> Articles -> News
Its in for the next version... it will show: "Home > Articles"

It will NOT show "News" because if you look how breadcrumbs work on XenForo, it NEVER lists the current page in the breadcrumbs.

First post, so hello!

I am trying to work out how to add itemPageNav to the Recent Threads page.

Currently, itemPageNav only appears when a user goes into a specific forum, and looks at the discussion list.

In Recent Threads, each Discussion does not have this element, and I would like to add it.

Any ideas / help, would be very much appreciated, thanks!
Its in for the next version... it will show: "Home > Articles"

It will NOT show "News" because if you look how breadcrumbs work on Xenforo, it NEVER lists the current page in the breadcrumbs.
Even though this is a simple addition, it will be my most favorite added addition yet!
You mean the one that is behind the text itself? If so, the below in your EXTRA.css will control it.

.recentNews .messageContent {
background: blue (or black or green or a color code # or an rgb selection) !important;
no the big white one that is behind article boxes and side bar boxes.

Thats the one i want on my forum to so it would be nice off some 1 to fetch the code for it :) you can go to bukkit.org and then try and find code for me since i have tried and i dont know exactly which code it is :/
So because of my recent issues the mod isnt creating any tables because I can not uninstall the mod and re-install it properly. In my head, if I manually add tables I ASSUME it will fix things, is it possible for someone to tell me what tables need to be created and the settings for them?
no the big white one that is behind article boxes and side bar boxes.

Thats the one i want on my forum to so it would be nice off some 1 to fetch the code for it :) you can go to bukkit.org and then try and find code for me since i have tried and i dont know exactly which code it is :/
The only thing I found not only changes the background there but on your forum also.

That is controlled by:
#content .pageContent {
/* background-color: rgb(209, 209, 209); */
background: url(images/flames.png) !important;
I'm using an image for the background on my forum since I want an image for the background.

I just went to your site and used Chrome and found this:

div#content.EWRporta_Portal .pageContent {
background-color: rgb(252, 252, 255);
Changed the rgb to rgb(223, 32, 63) in Chrome Developer tools and here is what I saw.

If that is the area you want, then try putting the highlighted code in your EXTRA.css and see if it works. You will want to change the RGB up, and if you are not familiar with the codes for color I would suggest googling HTML color codes (you can use the #ffffff or #000000 codes also).
this 1 was not exactly how i wanted it to be, i wanted exactly the style on that white box behind include shadows and round corners like it's on that site and my site is minecraftboard.com
this 1 was not exactly how i wanted it to be, i wanted exactly the style on that white box behind include shadows and round corners like it's on that site and my site is minecraftboard.com
And if I'm not mistaken, the code that I gave you IS for that exact area, but you are going to need to learn how to use CSS for what you want.
I will give you a hint (this is captured for that area directly from that site you are referring to) using Chrome's Developer Tools ( and I STILL recommend you install Chrome and learn how to use that feature).

div#content.EWRporta_Portal .pageContent {[/S][/S][/S]
[S][S][S]background-color: rgb(252, 252, 255);[/S][/S][/S]
[S][S][S]padding: 0 20px;[/S][/S][/S]
[S][S][S]padding-top: 30px;[/S][/S][/S]
[S][S][S]padding-left: 15px;[/S][/S][/S]
[S][S][S]border: 1px solid rgb(214, 214, 214);[/S][/S][/S]
[S][S][S]border-radius: 6px;[/S][/S][/S]
will get you the box surrounding the news.

I just noticed you are using the Flexile theme. It has some special requirements on modifying the code for it from what I understand. What I am relaying uses the default xenForo theme modified to meet my system requirements. You may want to contact the author of the Flexile theme and ascertain what areas to modify. Go here to ask about it.
I am getting this error like every 10 minutes since I upgraded to the latest version:

Server Error Log

Error Info
ErrorException: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() - library/EWRporta/ViewPublic/Portal.php:30
Generated By: Unknown Account, 14 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/public_html/library/EWRporta/ViewPublic/Portal.php(30): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError()
#1 /home/public_html/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php(215): EWRporta_ViewPublic_Portal->renderRss('EWRporta_ViewPu...', 'Rss', Array, '')
#2 /home/public_html/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Rss.php(31): XenForo_ViewRenderer_Abstract->renderViewObject('EWRporta_ViewPu...', Array, '', NULL)
#3 /home/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(533): XenForo_ViewRenderer_Rss->renderView(Object(XenForo_ControllerResponse_View), Object(XenForo_ViewRenderer_Rss), Array)
#4 /home/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(156): XenForo_FrontController->renderView()
#5 /home/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#6 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(33) "http://yoursite.net/index/index.rss"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
Hi Guys.

Upgraded my virgin xF installation today, and then upgraded the xenportal (which is my only addon other than the resource manager).

All went fine and appears well.... but... I dont have the "promote to front page" button anymore?

Any thoughts?

Any thoughts on this issue?

To upgrade I simply loaded the folders to my existing site (so over-wrote the old xenporta), and ran the upgrade script. I didnt delete dbase tables as my version was >1.5 (and I didnt want to lose existing content).

Thanks for your help in advance.
I got this after upgrading to the most recent version, which I upgraded correctly. Didn't get a response in the xenporta thread so I was hoping someone could at least point me in the right direction of figuring out what is wrong:

I am getting this error like every 10 minutes since I upgraded to the latest version:

Server Error Log

Error Info
ErrorException: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() - library/EWRporta/ViewPublic/Portal.php:30
Generated By: Unknown Account, 14 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/public_html/library/EWRporta/ViewPublic/Portal.php(30): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError()
#1 /home/public_html/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php(215): EWRporta_ViewPublic_Portal->renderRss('EWRporta_ViewPu...', 'Rss', Array, '')
#2 /home/public_html/library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Rss.php(31): XenForo_ViewRenderer_Abstract->renderViewObject('EWRporta_ViewPu...', Array, '', NULL)
#3 /home/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(533): XenForo_ViewRenderer_Rss->renderView(Object(XenForo_ControllerResponse_View), Object(XenForo_ViewRenderer_Rss), Array)
#4 /home/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(156): XenForo_FrontController->renderView()
#5 /home/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#6 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(33) "http://yoursite.net/index/index.rss"
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(0) {
Any thoughts on this issue?

To upgrade I simply loaded the folders to my existing site (so over-wrote the old xenporta), and ran the upgrade script. I didnt delete dbase tables as my version was >1.5 (and I didnt want to lose existing content).

Thanks for your help in advance.
Primary user group still set in group permissions to allow to promote threads?
Primary user group still set in group permissions to allow to promote threads?

Yes - Admin (me) is set to allow.

I cant see any specific portal settings that would deny this other than usergroup, but the button doesnt appear. Everything else appears perfect (which tells me its probably something insignificant I've missed) o_O
Any way of showing "whats new" in a block rather than "latest threads". The what's new link provides much better results.

I have purchased XenPorta brand-free and my developer has installed XenPorta at our test site at www.ukmoney.tv, but there are some issues as below;

1. 'Join the conversation' link on our site takes the clicker to the log in pagge of his own Twitter account, this is an error as, on your demo site at http://8wayrun.com/ clicking 'Join the conversation' link takes you to a Twitter list of what appears to be a set of pre-determined group hashtags.

My developer comments: "As for the hash tags, I'm not really sure why the initial configuration for the Twitter block did not work out as intended. It seemed that using all the suggested hash tags "flooded" the Twitter block somehow. I'm not entirely sure how/what criteria are used by the Twitter search, but maybe it's the block itself being wonky. I could try and experiment a bit more with the block, but it might mean that the tweets from your account will be snowed under again.

Currently, the block has been configured to search for UKEconomyTV OR #ukeconomy OR @UKEconomyTV. I tweeted a test message using @UKEconomyTV yesterday, but never saw it appear in the block. Again, I'm not really an expert in Twitter, so I cannot really say I know what's going on.

Same for the "Join the conversation". I never really used the link, but when I just tried, it doesn't show the search terms (which I'd expect), but rather just takes me to my Twitter home. Might be a bug in the block."

Please advise what my developer needs to do to solve the whole of the above issue.

2. Also, the contents of the XenPorta Twitter block do not appear in a BlackBerry phone - the box appears as blank - this is also true for your demo site.

Please provide a fix so the full contents of the Twiiter block appear on a BlackBerry phone, or, if known to you, any other fix for any appearance/visibility problems which may exist for any other mobile devices.

Thank you.
I looked at the code. The nature of the error is that it's trying to render threads, but apparently the 'threads' param is not set from the controller, or at least that param isn't an array as expected.

A bandaid would be to add the red code:


Rich (BB code):

class EWRporta_ViewPublic_Portal extends XenForo_ViewPublic_Base
	public function renderHtml()
	public function renderRss()
		$options = XenForo_Application::get('options');
		$title = ($options->boardTitle ? $options->boardTitle : XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('canonical:portal'));
		$description = ($options->boardDescription ? $options->boardDescription : $title);

		$buggyXmlNamespace = (defined('LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION') && LIBXML_DOTTED_VERSION == '2.6.24');

		$feed = new Zend_Feed_Writer_Feed();
		if (!$buggyXmlNamespace)
			$feed->setFeedLink(XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('canonical:portal/feed.rss'), 'rss');

		if (is_array($this->_params['threads']))
		foreach ($this->_params['threads'] AS $thread)
			// TODO: add contents of first post in future

			$entry = $feed->createEntry();
			$entry->setLink(XenForo_Link::buildPublicLink('canonical:threads', $thread));
			$entry->setDateCreated(new Zend_Date($thread['post_date'], Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP));
			$entry->setDateModified(new Zend_Date($thread['last_post_date'], Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP));
			if (!$buggyXmlNamespace)

That may fix the error. Otherwise it's up to Jaxel.
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